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                 It was only around nine a.m but Chenle was angery. He woke up because of his toe magically giving itself a cramp, only to find himself having a horrible hangover and the fact that the whole house was louder than a gaycity concert. Jisung was trying his best to make his boyfriend happy but his efforts were only enough to get a small smile. "Hey, it's okay if it's this loud, we can get away for a while. My parents want us over for a week tomorrow, remember?" Ah yes. The one thing Chenle could look forward to. Not that he hated the people in the house he was in, no he would never, but even though he was loud, he preferred the quiet once in a while. And those days never had his signature dolphin giggles. Those days were the ones that made Jisung miss his regular laugh. "HENDERY IF YOU DON'T STOP THROWING KUN'S APPLE AT ME, I WILL THROW YOU OUT OF THE WINDOW FASTER THAN HOW LONG YOU TOOK TO PUT ON THAT RAPUNZEL DRESS" YangYang's screeching could be heard loud and clear throughout the house. Funny thing is, YangYang was the only one in XiaoHenYang complaining about having to wear a dress. But after a while, even he was regaining his sass and was joking around again. So they didn't see why he had to call out Hendery for liking the dress.

           "Let's go down, YangYang won't calm down unless I go" Chenle sighed and hopped off the bed, walking down the stairs. Jisung adjusted his wrinkled shirt and followed him down, not forgetting to put on his glasses. "Baby chill. It's just an apple." Ten sipped his coffee. YangYang glared at him. "I'm not a baby. I'm twenty now. And Kunhang just wants me to throw him out a window." Chenle walked into JohnTen's room, where the chaos was. "Yang squared, remember, Mr Xiao exists. If Hendery is being annoying then go to Dejun. If Dejun is being annoying then go to Hendery. If anyone is being annoying then go to XiaoDery. If XiaoDery is being annoying then come to me." He said, and grabbed Ten's coffee with the older not even batting an eyelid. "There's nothing left for me to say here. Wong, put that apple back in Kun's room. Liu, make up or make out with Henry. Lele, I'll get myself another coffee, you can have this one." Ten looked over to Johnny and pouted. "Babe will you bring me another coffee? I gave mine to Chenle and I have a splitting headache." Johnny of course, being the gentleman he is, went to get his boyfriend his daily dose of caffeine.

                       Hendery hummed and hugged YangYang, who was slapping away at his arms. "Must be nice being a bottom." "It's even better to be a switch" Xiaojun's head popped into the room, followed by his body that was dressed in one of YangYang's shirts and Hendery's shorts. "I second that" Jaemin walked in after him with disheveled hair. "Are we having a secret meeting to throw Hendery out of a window?" He drank his own cup of coffee(i wish pt 3 existed) and wiggles his eyebrows. Jisung gasped and pointed to his eyebrows. "Who the hell did that to your eyebrows?" Jaemin's eyebrows were once dark and just amazing to look at but now they were just an ugly shade of blond. His hair was dyed blond now, but that looked good. "And you?" Jisung's finger pointed at Dejun. The exact same thing had happened to the poor boy but his hair was a different shade of blond, with an IKEA kind of yellow at the tips. "Renjun did it to me" Jaemin shrugged. "Yang" Dejun sent daggers towards the boy with his eyes. "Do you want to explain to them what you did to my beautiful arches?" YangYang rubbed the back of his neck. "You were sleeping so soundly and Renjun and I were bored. We would have done it to Hendery and Jeno but they weren't as drunk as you, to sleep without a care in the world." Hendery heaved a sigh of relief but soon got scared because of the looks he was getting from his older boyfriend. 

                             "Don't get too happy Wong. And you, Liu" Xiaojun turned to exit but glared at YangYang one more time. "You're sleeping on the couch tonight" Everyone but Chenle gasped. "He's going to act all nice to Dejun for the whole day and manage to get himself sleeping on the bed again with forgiveness." Chenle whispered to Jisung, who nodded in agreement. "Is Taeyong cooking?" Ten asked, caressing his stomach that was giving him hunger pangs.

"Let's be honest, when is he not?"

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