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Jisung/Chenle thoughts

    "Chenle are you sure you want to ride that?" Jisung asked, a panic-stricken look on his face. "Oh don't be a wuss, Jisung it's only like what? 45 metres in the air? I'll be fine" He said waving a hand dismissively. They had successfully managed to sneak out before Kun found out about Jisung blowing up Yangyang's house again.

   "I'm not a wuss you dolphin! I'm just-" Jisung hesitated. "Scared? Afraid you won't exist anymore?" Chenle finished his sentence, raising a brow. "Jisung Park, I made it clear before we left the house that you have nothing to be scared of. I'm right here."

   "I know but I just can't go on it Chenle. Can we please try something else?"

   "Fine. How about the shooting stations? If you win me a plushie I'll give you a present" Chenle broke into a mischievous grin. "A plushie you shall get, your majesty" Jisung bowed playfully before dragging him over.

   "Sir, can we play the game?" Jisung asked politely. The old man nodded and handed over the plastic gun. He aimed at the cups as Chenle clung onto his back with sparkling eyes.

  Jisung you can do it

    Miss. He missed the first cup. Now they only had six cups and six bullets left. "Don't worry angel, I won't miss it this time" Jisung muttered loud enough for only Chenle to hear. The game owner gestured for Chenle to come closer to him. He let go of Jisung and walked over. "Is that boy your boyfriend?" He asked.

    "I don't know sir. If he likes me, I feel like I'd be wasting his feelings and stomping in his heart. I'm not even sure of my feelings. Am I interested or am I not? Love is complicated. Very complicated." Chenle sighed and poured out whatever was in his heart.

     "Don't worry too much about it" The old man laughed and reassured Chenle. "My first boyfriend and I were like that too"

   Chenle's eyes widened. "You had a-"The old man cut him off with a "Shh don't go around telling people. We were quite the panicked gays of our time" He looked to the sky with a dreamy look. "That doesn't matter. We came over our differences and realized our love. And today, he's my husband" He added with a wide grin. "I'm not forcing you to love that boy, all I'm saying is that love comes without warning. You'll know it when you feel it"
   And right on cue, "Chenle! I shot all the cups!" A bouncy Jisung almost trampled over the two in excitement, before his happy grin was replaced with a confused frown. "What are you guys talking about?"

    "About that dolphin plushie you just won for me. Come on, let's get it." Chenle received the plushie from the old man and discreetly mouthed a 'thank you' before leaving with Jisung.

    do I really love you? or is it just me being desperate for a boyfriend?

   "Chenle, what should we name this plushie?" Jisung questioned as if it was the most important thing to do in the world. Of course Chenle would agree with that. "Let's name it" Chenle thought for a moment.

Chenle + Jisung is?


Jisung wanted to argue and say that Jichen would be a better name but he just couldn't. Who in their right mind would argue with a happy, giggling, smiling Chenle. "Chenji it is" Jisung said, ignoring the looks he was getting for being so very whipped in public.

I don't blame Jisung I'm lowkey whipped for Chenle too anskbwkdnsnd


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