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                                            "Mark I swear if you don't stop phone-fucking that girlfriend of yours I will snatch her from you" Donghyuck exhaled dramatically and sipped his water from a wine glass. Mark's face immediately reddened as he whispered a quick "Bye" to his girlfriend who was more than happy to hang up on him. "Hyuck he would never and you know that" Chenle scoffed and bit into his sandwich, feeding a small part of it to Jisung afterwards. "Sis be spittin' nothin' but the truth" Ten walked into JaeYong's bedroom with a plate of food. "Chittaphon take your twitter language somewhere else, Taeil won't understand" Taeyong sighed, adjusting his position on Jaehyun's lap. "Sis is offended. Sis is me" Taeil huffed and opened his mouth for Doyoung to feed him.

                        "Yeah Gaychan. Mark would never do that to anyone but you" YangYang sat down beside him. "Why did breakfast turn into an Attack-Donghyuck session? All I did was tell Markie to stop being all lovey dovey" Donghyuck hit the boy on the shoulder lightly and went back to wolfing down his noodles. Don't ask why they're all eating different types of food, that's what happens when you have four motherly figures cooking in a giant kitchen with a large variety of ingredients. "I don't think it's breakfast, it's like, what? Three in the afternoon? Lunch maybe" Renjun pointed out. "Breakfast, lunch, there should be a word for it. Uh, it's, uh, I know the word, hold on. Yes! Brunch!" Jisung cooed at his boyfriend who was celebrating his success of finding the word in tiny. Chenle tiny. 

                                   "So what are we doing for the day?" Jaehyun yawned and drank his morning coffee out of his wine glass. "I was thinking we could go buy some actual cups. I'm tired of drinking out of tenth floor wine glasses" Kun furrowed his brows in confusion. "Tenth floor?" "We all used to stay in separate apartments on the tenth floor of a building before this house. That's where most of us got to know each other. We lost all the normal cups we had because, well, Taeil got possessed for a while and was throwing them around and breaking most of them" Doyoung explained, trying to conceal his laughter. "Shut it, bunny boy" Taeil poked the boy and turned back to everyone else. Sungchan was making Jaehyun's bread face, which had become a habit of almost everyone in the room when stuck in a situation where they felt like smiling yet couldn't. But it was also used for situations where they didn't know what expression to have. "Channie stop, before Taeil hyung sees you" Shotaro whispered and threw an m&m at his face, which ricocheted off and landed on the paper plate he held. 

                                 "We really need new cups though. I've already broken five wine glasses just because I accidentally dropped it while filling it up with water" Jeno piped up. "Sucks to be you, NoJam" Chenle smiled and set down his plate after seeing the muscled man flip him off.  "So are we going cup shopping?" Jaemin asked. 

                   "Yes, since it appears to be necessary. 98' to 00' liners except for Shotaro have to stay home. Kun is going to Hansol's place. Ten and Johnny are going out. Hyunnie, me, Shotaro, Sungchan, Chenle, and Jisung are going cup shopping. Doil, Yuwin, watch the kids." Taeyong announced and stood up. Doyoung nodded and hugged Taeil, who mock-saluted at the green-haired. "Let me guess, you're going to dye your hair again too" Taeyong sheepishly smiled at Yuta. "Yong do you think that's a scalp or metal? You're going to go bald. I'm pretty sure Jeffrey wouldn't want Yoon, Taeho and Taehyun to be bald, would he?" Johnny commented, already getting up. 

             "We don't even know if they're triplets, John. I'm pretty sure my excessive hair dying won't affect my kids" Taeyong looked down at his abdomen and smiled again, caressing it lovingly. 

"Really? I made sure I fucked you in the right position for triplets-" 


"Okay, I get it, there are kids here, no need to remind me"

                           Taeyong glared at him before collecting the plates for washing, the chore that the kind soul of Lee Jeno had volunteered to do. "We leave in thirty minutes. Chop chop, fetuses" The other twenty-three people in the room lumbered about, exiting the room one at a time to carry on with their daily activities. "Oh and Jisung! Don't wear a hoodie, sweetie. Put on a nice shirt for once" Jisung groaned at the words and stomped to his room. 

                          "Aww~ Jisungie doesn't like wearing proper shirts unless Mama Yong tells him to." Chenle teased. "Angel I don't like shirts with all those buttons, I like my hoodies." Jisung whined and threw open his drawer. "It's only for a few hours. Put on that pearl neo champagne one, it would look good on you."


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