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Chensung thoughts

  "Take care of him Jisung" Kun stopped him at the door to remind him. Two weeks had gone by so fast. And now, he was waiting for his youngest son to leave for Korea.

"Hyung I will take care of him and make sure he's happy. Don't worry" Jisung patted Kun's shoulder and reassured the stressed male. Kun had been running around the house and helping everyone pack. He put a lot of effort into that morning's breakfast and spent a lot of time hugging the people who were leaving, even Ten and Renjun.

"It's just- He's been to Korea before but he went with me. Now I'm sending him off with you. I can't risk anything."

"Don't be so worried mama" Chenle shoved his luggage into the car's trunk and ran to hug his motherly friend one more time. "I'll be fine, I'll call you if anything happens okay? Don't be sad"

"Okay honey but take care and be careful. Eat well, sleep well and call me when you reach"

"Coming through-" Johnny pushed past the three of them. He was holding a sleeping Ten in his arms, thus the urgency to put his boyfriend in the car. "Right. Chenle, Jisung, get in. Taeyong's driving. We'll come visit again another time Kun. You better visit for YuWin's birthday"

   His dimples appeared like cuts in an apple. "Of course. I wouldn't miss it."
Just to remind you, JohnTen, JaeYong, NoRenMin, ChenSung and Sicheng and Xuxi were leaving for Korea now. Kun was being sad for a reason, he was stuck with only XiaoHenYang.

       NoRenMin, Sicheng, and Lucas had already left to the airport and the rest of them were about to leave. Kun hugged them again before walking them to the car. After they got in "I'll miss you, Kiddo" He kissed Chenle's forehead and shut the door. No he doesn't like Chenle that way. I already addressed that he's like Chenle's mom. Jisung smiled at the sight. It made him feel so warm to see how the two were that he missed his parents back home.

   "I'm definitely introducing you to my parents" He whispered and pecked Chenle's cheek. "Don't flirt in the car, I feel single" Johnny huffed. Ten shuffled around for a bit before wrapping his arms around his boyfriend's waist. "Don't be like that John, I love you"

"Aw, I love you too"

"Okay but I'm trying to drive, stop flirting"

"You're just jealous Taeyong"

"Just because I said he was jealous doesn't mean you have to kiss him Jaehyun."

"I like to do whatever the fuck I want, thank you very much"

"Times like this I want to change my name to 'whatever the fuck I want'"

"Taeyong the kids-"

"They're not innocent, shut the fuck up"

    "Why is he grumpy?" Chenle whispered.

"Hendery said we ran out of coffee",

"I see"

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