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                                        "Pwark Jisung" Jisung pulled out one of his earphones and glanced back at Jaemin and Taeyong, who were sitting in the backseat of Johnny's car, to accompany them to Jisung's house. "What is it, mothers?" He raised an eyebrow. Jaemin grinned at Taeyong before looking back to his 'son'. "Well, kiddo, we just wanted to say that even if you and Chenle are dating now, you're not allowed to make him sing or fly, if you know what I mean, until you're married" Taeyong glared back at Jaemin playfully before answering to Jisung, whose face turned red. "I-I never h-had any intentions o-of that s-sort. W-Why would y-you e-even say t-that?" He also became a stuttering mess as he put his earphones back in his ear and turning up the volume of GayCity Dream's 119, determined to block out the noises of teasing. The car's door opened, revealing a smiling Chenle who looked like he was fresh out of the shower. Considering the fact that he made Yuta carry his luggage just by acting cute, it was very much possible for him to have walked out to the car with steady breathing and not even one drop of sweat.

                    "What's going on, fam?" He sat beside Jisung and gave him a nudge. "Why is your face red, Mr Park?" "That is called" Jaemin formed his fingers to form a 'you gotta seize the opportunity' sign. "The art of gay panic!" Chenle laughed his signature laugh and kissed his boyfriend's cheek. "Nice, nana. To my future in-laws's house!" He cheered. Johnny chuckled. "This one's a good one." Yuta nodded. "Indeed" 


                       "Do you think he actually would have gotten that Chenle boy to be his boyfriend?"Mrs Park straightened out her newspaper and asked her husband, who was running around the house to make sure everything was ready for his son and future son-in-law. He sighed and stopped to dust a table. "Let's hope so. He's been wanting someone to love for as long as I can remember. And he's not the type to lie, and he's very lovable so we're definitely meeting our future son-in-law today, sugar" Mr Park stared at the cloth he held in his hand. "We need little Parks running around this old place soon"

                        "Honey don't be so sappy" Mrs Park flipped over a page and looked at the gates of the house. "I can't wait to see him though. According to what Andy's mentioned before, he has a dolphin laugh and is the cutest bean on the planet." Mr Park stifled a laugh upon hearing their child's English name. "I still don't know why you let Heechul name him Andy for his English name"

"Andy is a nice name, shut up. He wanted to. You want me to refuse a 19 year old with sparkling eyes?"

"Fair point"

                         A honk. The oh-so familiar black Mercedes that belonged to a beautiful giant pulled up in the driveway. "BOKUTO-SAN!" Jaemin squealed and ran at the woman, almost tackling her to the floor. "HEY, HEY, HEY" She hugged him back with the same enthusiasm. Despite her being over fifty, the twenty year-old Jaemin and her had bonded over the anime that was 'Haikyuu!!'. "How's Renjun and Jeno, Kuroo?" Yuta gasped and stood next to them. "You guys are hugging and talking about Haikyuu without me when I'm the one who introduced it to you? Ouch, I'm offended" Mrs Park laughed and peeled the blue haired boy off of her. "Come here, fisher boy" She embraced him and pulled away, before letting the two go in. "Taeyongie! How are you feeling, sweetheart? When's the delivery again?" Taeyong smiled at her. "I'm doing fine, Mrs Park. And our beans are coming in four months." Mrs Park gave the male a light hug. "Take care of yourself, Yong. You shouldn't strain yourself at times like this. Is Jaehyun with you?" Mr Park patted his shoulder and asked. "Hyunnie wanted to come, but all of us can't fit in the car so he made Johnny swear on Ten's life to protect me at all costs. The funny thing is, Ten also made him do it." "You guys have no idea how violent Jeffrey gets when it comes to Taeyong's safety. And it's even worse now, since Yongie is pregnant." Johnny exhaled dramatically and leaned on a pillar. "He's just being a good father and boyfriend, John. Now, where is my son and his little boyfie?"

               "Here, parental unit number one" Jisung removed his earphones and wrapped his arm around Chenle's waist. Author-Nim was not responsible for Taeyong and Johnny losing a little of their hearing after hearing the oldest couple squeal like a stereotypical example of a kid seeing a twenty metre pile of candy. "Don't be a smartass with your own mother, Jisung" Mrs Park scrunched her nose at the boy before the corners of her mouth raised into a smile after seeing the slightly shorter brown haired boy beside him. "Chenle! Come in, it's great to finally meet you!" She welcomed the boy by rushing to collect their luggage. "Don't just stand there, you old watermelon seed, help them with the bags" Mrs Park nagged at her husband, who quickly followed her orders.

                     "They seem nice" Chenle whispered to Jisung after awkwardly smiling at the duo who were surprisingly fit for their age. "Don't worry angel, they love you already"

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