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Jisung/Chenle thoughts

Jisung blinked. He didn't know what to say after opening the door. Whether to look away, whether to drool, or whether to scream and close the door. No, Chenle was not murdering a chicken in there.

Jisung had never expected for Chenle to be the type to crossdress. But he also couldn't say he was against it. He opened the door without knocking, only to find Chenle adjusting a bright yellow skirt and wearing a white hoodie that had the words 'resting baby face' on it.


He licked his lips and closed the door behind him. Chenle's back was facing the door as he adjusted his skirt in front of a mirror. He approached Chenle and back hugged him, resting his chin on his shoulder.

"Hey baby"

"Jisung get your hands off me, I need to find a bracelet to wear" Chenle slapped his hands away and opened his drawer.

"Jeez, angel I just wanted to say that you look gorgeous in a skirt." Jisung pouted.

"Thanks baby, I know" Chenle sent him a wink and finger guns.

"So how come you weren't wearing a skirt yesterday?"

"Jisung I'm not dumb enough to wear a skirt outside on a cold day"

"I see. But wear them more often, you look so soft it makes me want to uwu so hard"

Chenle laughed and put on a silver bracelet with his initials carved into it.

"So what do you, say you and me, we take a trip to the amusement park today?"

"Amusement park it is!" Jisung smiled to cover his panic. He had a lifelong fear of tall and big rollercoasters, but he wouldn't admit it. Ever. Even when Jaemin proves it many times.

I'm not scared. No. Jaemin is delusional from all that caffeine he drinks. I'm a strong chick!

  Jisung puffed out his cheeks and strode towards the door confidently, making Chenle raise an eyebrow at his behavior.

  "Mr Pwark, aren't you forgetting something?" He tapped his foot on the ground. "Right" Jisung spun around and picked Chenle up bridal style, which earned a yelp from the older, and walked out of the room and down the stairs unbothered.

He carried him down and rested him on one of the bar stools so he could calm himself down after the countless shrieks of "JISUNG PWARK PUT ME DOWN, THE FUCK".

  Ten and Johnny simply stared at them for a second before resuming their conversation and Kun muttered something under his breath that went along the lines of "Kids these days can fuck in under five minutes"

  Taeyong entered the kitchen and his eyes widened at Chenle's skirt. "Oh. My. God. Chenle I swear I have that exact skirt back in Korea, where did you get that? And that hoodie?" He shook the panting boy excitedly, happy to finally have someone innocent to talk with about crossdressing. Ten was far too corrupted for him.

  Jaehyun followed close behind, shirtless as per normal. "Jaehyun kindly put on a shirt, there are kids here" Kun sighed and threw one of Johnny's hoodies that were on the counter at him. "Must I really?" Jaehyun reluctantly put it on.

  "So where are y'all going?" Ten asked, finally joining the conversation. "Amusement park" Chenle replied as he tried to focus on Taeyong's squeals.

  Johnny almost spat out his water. "Amusement park? With Jisung Pwark?" He asked doubtfully.

"Hyung how many times do I have to tell you that I'm not scared anymore? Jaemin's just hallucinating!" Jisung groaned and slammed his fist on the table.

"Jisung Pwark I'm offended" Renjun walked into the kitchen smiling with his phone, which was obviously where the voice came from.

  "Go away Jaemin, I want a peaceful morning" He huffed and took a sip of his milk. "Jisung let's not be rude" Another voice came from Renjun's phone.

   "Of course you would support your boyfriend, Jeno"

  "Jeno why do you support Jaemin and not me?" Renjun yelled.

   "Baby, that's because Jaemin doesn't make plans on destroying entertainment agencies because their building doesn't have proper WiFi" Jeno chuckled.

  "So what's going on here?" Renjun leaned his elbow on the counter and asked. "Chensung are going to the amusement park" Ten replied.

   "Oh damn. Chenle I wish you luck" Renjun solemnly saluted him.

"Okay that's it" Jisung downed his milk. "Lele you can stay here and finish breakfast with these meanies, I'm going to play minecraft with Yangyang"

  "Alright Jisung, don't blow up his house" Chenle reminded him.

"Don't worry angel, I'll be more careful" He yelled before jogging up the stairs.

"So. Angel huh?" Taeyong teased Chenle.

"Shut up, he chose to call me that"

and I hope he does forever

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