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not going to put the languages anymore since im pretty sure yall know. tell me if you still want me to put it

           "Sorry angel. But we try not to show it that we're rich" Jisung apologized and pinched his boyfriend's cheek. "You're so cute" He waited for Doyoung to calmmly park the van before he jopped out of the van and onto the tar floor that he hadn't seen in two weeks. He breathed in the fresh air, tired of the air conditioning and waited patiently for Chenle.

      Taeyong came out second. He walked up to their front door and opened it, which was probably not a good idea, considering the fact that six rowdy kids would be jumping around in there. And he was pushed to the thankfully carpeted floor, trapped in a giant hug from Taeil, Mark, Donghyuck, Shotaro, Sungchan, and Jungwoo. "Okay kids get off" Jaehyun ran up and pulled his friends off of his fiancee. Taeyong thanked him and threw himself on the couch. He had a long day so let's give mama Yong some rest. For now.

      Jungwoo stood up and adjusted the hem of his skirt, but soon charged at the silver vehicle to welcome his other friends. He hugged Jisung first, then Sicheng. He pushed Yuta away and stared in amazement at Chenle. "Oh. My. Sausage. Jisung Park he's so cute! Congratulations for getting yourself such a cutie" He squealed and engulfed the Chinese boy in a hug. Jeno and Jaemin tumbled out of the van, groaning and stretching since they had to shove their long legs in the small space that was provided. Jungwoo spied Renjun and immediately went over to hug him too. "Babe why aren't you hugging me?" Yukhei whined as he dragged his luggage over to him. "Because I can kiss you" Jungwoo pulled the giant by his collar into a kiss. "I missed you Xuxi" Lucas rested his forehead against his boyfriend's. "I missed you too, uwu"

          "These people made me feel single for the whole drive. It was so wholesome I wanted to barf a rainbow" Doyoung gagged and put an arm around Taeil. "Awh, it's okay. At least you're home now. With me." He pulled the taller into the house. "Nanana,nanana, it all starts, from home~" Donghyuck sang as he strode towards the youngest while Mark followed behind. "J.S. Park" He poked the male's cheek. "Is that a boyfriend I spy, with my beautiful eye?" 

       Chenle walked in front of Jisung and extended his hand for the sun-kissed boy to shake. "Chenle Zhong, Jisung's boyfriend. Nice to meet you mister?" He introduced himself and waited. Donghyuck gladly accepted the hand and shook it. "Donghyuck Lee. You're welcome to call me Haechan if you please" Mark crept over to Jisung and stared in horror at his best friend. "Why is he being....polite? And formal?" Jisung however knew exactly what was going to happen. He had observed the exact same thing happening when Donghyuck was introduced to Jaemin.

       "Bitch?" Chenle smirked and withdrew his hand, only to put it around his new friend's shoulder. "Bitch" Donghyuck put his hand around Chenle's waist and struck up a conversation about hair dye as they made their way into the house. "You should have known Mark. The bottoms in our friend circle can bond faster than me and chicken restaurants." Jisung patted the older's shoulder and lugged his and Chenle's suitcases to the mansion. "Oh Canada" Mark sighed and followed him in. 

                            The scene inside was far more peaceful than what normally went on. Yuta and Sicheng were probably upstairs in their room, NoRenMin were making their way upstairs, Jaehyun was carrying a sleeping Taeyong to their room, Jungwoo was making a sandwich with Lucas, Johnny and Ten were talking quietly in their room as they unpacked, and Chenle and Donghyuck were strangely dancing to Evergay's Bon Bon Chocolat while Shotaro and Sungchan watched in amusement. He didn't forget to greet the two new faces, internally promising himself to talk to them later. Mark told Jisung to unpack and rest while waiting for Chenle. He did what he was told, and was munching on a cookie when Chenle finally entered the room. He jumped on the mattress beside the taller and hugged him from the side. "'m tired" He yawned and pulled his boyfriend down onto the bed. Jisung managed to finish off the rest of the cookie and drink some water while lying down before resuming his cuddle session with Chenle.

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