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I can explain

better be a good one because I'm coming there right now

well then hurry up so you can hear my explanation

Chenle hurried up the stairs while he chomped on his cookie and tried not to choke. First, he entered Renjun's room.

"RENJUN WHY DIDN'T YOU TELL ME JISUNG WAS HERE" He yelled at the unfazed boy. "Because it's a surprise. Also, Jisung knows Mandarin so don't try and say something he wouldn't want to hear" Renjun replied not looking up from his phone.

"I bet he doesn't know English. Hah. Take that Renjun I beat your system." Chenle muttered as he stomped to his room. "JISUNG PARK" He yelled as he flung the door open.

"What's up bae" Jisung chuckled at Chenle's antics. "YOU'RE. HERE. IN MY ROOM." Chenle continued to shout at the giggling boy.

"Yeah I am. And do you know why?" Jisung smirked as he walked close enough for Chenle's back to hit the now closed door.

"n-no." Chenle stuttered out. "how does one look that hot what the fuck-"

"it's because" Jisung rested his forehead on Chenle's. "I wanted to see you" He whispered out.

"Really?" Chenle asked nervously. "Really" Jisung said as he felt Chenle's hot breath on his lips.

"WELL THEN COME ON YOU TALL BITCH LETS GO DO MY HOMEWORK AND THEM TOUR THE CITY" Chenle pushed Jisung off himself and bounced around the room.


what the fuck am I writing

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