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Chensung thoughts

        "Yep. He's whipped" Ten sighed as he watched Chenle stare at his bedroom door, mouth agape. "He's just singing, the fuck?" he muttered. "Wait Jisung's singing already? They met in person only a few days ago, the fuck?" Johnny suddenly entered Ten's self conversation. "Youngho you've been reading too many of Jaemin's chogiverse books. Jisung is singing, but not in that sense" He sighed and walked past his tall but dumb boyfriend.

          Chenle closed his mouth when he heard loud whispers coming from Ten's room. Actually no, he closed his mouth when he felt drool slowly make its way out of it. Jisung was singing. In person. Live. In the shower. In his room. Would you not freak out if you were friends with an angel who sings in the shower?

     Chenle was freaking out internally. But as we all know, even if Jisung grew the balls to kiss him, Zhong Chenle would never grow any to admit that he did, in fact, want to hear Jisung's voice every morning as the first thing he hears. But who knows? We can't explain possibilities like Mark Lee but I can write the future.

           Anyway, back to Chenle. It was Sunday, and he had a good fourteen hours left with Jisung before he had to go to sleep and wake up the next day for school.

man, fuck school. I want Jisung

     But no he can't drop out of school. After all, he's the only heir to Zhong Industries after his brother, who was planning an early retirement. He had to live up to and better than his standards. Well at least that was what they told him.

     He paced outside his door, waiting for Jisung. Does showering take this long? It does when you're Park Jisung. It runs in the family blood because sadly, Jaemin's your cousin. Jisung walked out of the bathroom, rubbing his hair with the towel in hopes that it will dry from the friction.

        He picked up his phone and sent Jaemin a text.

jaem did you sleep in Renjun's room 👀

yes I did
just like you slept in Chenle's room

so where u and eyesmile at

we went out for morning ice cream with renjun
we'll be back in about two hours
taeyong and Kun know

can you bring me a baguette while you're at it?

Jisung it's literally like eight in the morning what place sells fancy bread at this time?
just eat some ramen

that's not my problem
I dont want ramen
bring me a baguette

this kid-

        Jisung happily put down his phone, knowing Jaemin would bring him a baguette, because he cares that much for him. Not that he didn't care for his cousin, Jisung just wasn't used to showing love openly.

how the turns have tabled

       He chuckled, thinking about the kiss he and Chenle had shared just less than an hour ago.

what would I not do to taste those lips again?

       He opened the door and found Chenle walking back and forth across the hallway, muttering incoherent words like he was summoning a demon.

he already lives with a demon why would he summon another one?

    He stifled a laugh at his own joke and went towards Chenle. "Chenle?" he called. He turned around to look at Jisung with those innocent eyes of his. The corners of his mouth turning upward as his eyes slightly crinkled when he smiled. Small, little, almost unnoticeable details. But Jisung took note of everything.

            "Jisung! Why do you take so long to shower?" He asked, pouting. "Because Na Jaemin is my cousin. Taking a long time for something as simple as showering runs in the blood, I guess" He shrugged. "Understandable. Do you want to go downstairs and sing along to gaycity songs at full blast" Chenle gripped on to the strings of his hoodie excitedly.

          "Anything for you bubs. The fact that it's gaycity is just a plus" Jisung smiled.

kiss him, you tall ass

      And so he did. He lifted Chenle's chin up so their eyes met. Jisung saw his reflection in Chenle's large brown eyes that he almost always envied. He connected their lips together, moving like he had done it a hundred times before.

      Chenle's first reaction: kiss back you short motherfather

         Don't worry kids they didn't do anything else. Just a small make out session in the hallway. With JohnTen and JaeYong watching them with pride. "That's my son over there" Taeyong whispered to Ten while Jaehyun nodded approvingly. "That's our nephew over there" Johnny and Ten said in unison. They might not be their actual parents but they were willing.

        Chenle instinctively knew that he should put his arms around Jisung's neck and tangle his fingers in his hair. Don't ask me why, it's just the way of the bottom-ing. Jisung already had his arms around Chenle's waist so there's no point going into detail. As usual, no tongue. Not yet. It was a silent agreement the two had made since their first kiss.

     They both might be legal and shit but they're not ready. Chenle was in more pressure than Jisung was. Kun had already explained Chenle's entire background to him. And Jisung expected that Jaemin, Jeno, Jaehyun and Taeyong would have described Jisung's entire life to him already. So yes, they knew each other well.

            But is it enough for Jisung to understand the pressure Chenle is put into? Are Chenle's parents homophobic?

Are yOU homophobic you obviously fabulously gay superior czennie kween ass bitch? I hope not. see y'all in the next chapter lmao💙💜💚💛 STREAM EVERY SONG IN RESONANCE, SHOW SUNGCHAN AND SHORATO A LOT OF LOVE AND KEEP STANNING NCT!!! neocity always keeps your citizenship💚

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