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Kun opened the door for them and muttered something about never getting the time to dream about his future kid who he for some reason already named Sian.

Chenle didn't know why but Jisung simply barged into his room without a word and sat down on his bed.

doesn't boyfriend mean male friend?

He had been thinking about that word ever since it slipped out of Jisung's mouth.

does it maybe mean.... boyfriend?

"Kun ' boyfriend ' means male friend right?" Chenle asked nervously. He noticed that Jisung had been quite off ever since he had spoken with Felix. did he misunderstand?

"Chenle. ' boyfriend ' means boyfriend. Not make friend. Now tell me what you did and why Jisung is moping around sadly." Kun placed his hands on his hips and waited for a reply.

"I kinda maybe accidentally told Jisung that Felix was my boyfriend. But I don't like him that way! Heck he's getting married in a few months. I like Jisung and you know it" Chenle sighed frustratedly.

"Chenle I think you should talk to Jisung about it. But do it tomorrow, it's late and you need to sleep" Kun patted his shoulder and went to his room.

what have I done, oh canada


"Jisungie? Do you want to sleep now or later?" Chenle whispered to the boy who was laying down on his bed with an emotionless face.

"I guess we can sleep now. But where do I sleep?" Jisung asked monotonously.

"Jisung Park that's a dumb question. You will sleep on my bed, beside me, no arguments about that." Chenle snapped.

he wants me to sleep on his bed ajskwnossjksdheihdidhrjdhdjdjdhdisjdjekjdfjiejdfjejddoehffkrndoejjdjsd namjesus Christopher I pray that I shouldn't embarrass myself in front of this sadly taken angel

"I-I'm f-fine with that" Jisung stuttered and patted the space next to him.

The two laid down in silence, a million thoughts running through their heads.

why did I tell him Felix was my boyfriend aahhhhhhhhhhhh

why did that Felix dude have to take Lele away from me aahhhhhhhhhhhh



They smiled sheepishly at each other and Chenle motioned for Jisung to continue.

"When did you and that Felix dude fall in love?" He questioned, despite his previous awkwardness.

"Actually that's what I wanted to say" Chenle fidgeted with his tiny-but-still-bigger-than-renjun's hands. "Felix isn't my boyfriend. In fact he's getting married in a few months. He has a fiancee, Jisung"

Jisung gasped. "But you said-"

"I thought boyfriend meant male friend. Then Kun told me what it meant and I figured out why you were so moody" He said, a smirk playing on his lips.


"Jisung Pwark. Were you jealous? Of Felix?"

"uhhhhh GOOD NIGHT LELE" Jisung yelled before hiding his face in his pillow.

Chenle let out his dolphin laugh and snuggled closer to Jisung. Soon enough, Jisung wrapped his arms around Chenle's waist and buried his face in his neck. Chenle also wrapped his arms around Jisung's neck and pecked his forehead.

I wouldn't date anyone but you, don't worry

sorry whomst? | chensungWhere stories live. Discover now