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chensung thoughts

    "JISUNG PARK" Taeyong's yelling woke the sleeping boy up.

what does he want now

       A pillow hit his face. Another one hit his arm. "Get up" "Taeyong let me sleep" "No. You have a lot to explain. Come downstairs for breakfast and bring Chenle with you."

       He groaned and slapped away the hand that was poking his cheek. "I'll be down in a minute, just leave please" Jisung untangled himself from Chenle and sleep walked to the bathroom to brush his teeth and wash his face. "Chenle wake up" He rubbed his arm. "No I want to sleep" "Taeyong called us. I think it's serious." Chenle sat up, making Jisung flinch. "You know what, let's go downstairs"

        Kun glared at them as they made their way down the stairs. Johnny sighed and looked away. Jaehyun played with his fingers. Hendery whispered something to YangYang. Dejun nodded his head violently at what Hendery said. Lucas had a straight face, surprisingly. Renjun was emotionless. Ten was fidgeting around restlessly in his seat. Taeyong was making pancakes. "So what's up?" Bad choice. Jisung set off the bomb.

      "What's up? You dare ask what's up? After everything you two have done without us knowing?" Taeyong turned around and waved his spatula around in the air. "Taeyong chill-"

"No Ten. He will not chill."

"Kun not you too"

"Of course Kun would be like that. His kid has been hiding something incredibly important from him."

       Chenle scrunched his nose. "Okay yeorobun stop talking. Someone tell me what happened"

     "What happened?" Sicheng stabbed his pancake after being quiet for so long. "You and Jisung making out in your parents' carpark is what happened"

    Jisung's eyes widened. "How did you guys-" Johnny cut him off. "We've got connections everywhere kiddo. When were you going to tell us?"


"That soon will be now. Explain everything from the start" Taeyong turned off the stove and stared at them expectantly. Chenle exhaled. "Fine. But pay attention, I'm not repeating anything"

    After they finished the story, the reactions given were priceless. Ten was nodding approvingly, Johnny had his hands massaging his temples, XiaoHenYang disappeared from the conversation, Lucas was laughing, Sicheng still remained emotionless, Renjun was shocked, Kun and Taeyong had their mouths agape and Jaehyun was chugging his glass of milk.

       "Okay" He wiped the milk from his lips. "So you guys can kiss and cuddle and all that shit, but you're not dating yet. Can I expect a grandchild in the near future?"

     "Jaehyun I'm not denying but you have a long time to wait. In that time, why not make the triplets you've always wanted?" Jisung's statement made Taeyong close his mouth. "Child, you shut the fuck up this is about you, not my future children" Jisung gasped. "So I'm not going to get any siblings soon? Bummer"

      Ten smiled at the two. "Johnny can we adopt someone like that?" "Why do we need to adopt? We have Renjun"


"You may have Renjun but I have Jaemin. And Doyoung has Jeno."


"Doesn't that make you Jisung's grandmother?"

"Jaemin's not his mom. I am. Anyone who disagrees will be fought."

     Jaehyun held his boyfriend away from throwing hands at Hendery who suddenly piped up. "Hey don't throw hands at Kun's kids" Taeyong sighed and ruffled his hair. "Right. He's still Kun's child."

"Now we have that over with" Chenle pointed to the stack of pancakes that were cooling off. "Can I have some pancakes?" "Four for me, please" Jisung added.

    "You kids are lucky we love you"

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