🎂59💚(YuWin bday pt 4)

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                         "Are you expecting someone, Taeyong?" Kun handed the boy a red party hat and asked. Taeyong had been strangely waiting by the door of the mansion, getting more and more excited every time the clock ticked. "Yeah, just a friend of Yuta's. A friend who looks a lot like Yuta." Kun didn't get the hints the green-haired was dropping so he simply ignored the statement. "Alrighty then. We're cutting the cake soon, tell this friend of yours to hurry the fuck up" He nodded and turned back to staring out the door. 

            Everyone was downstairs, and Yuta had a spectacular idea of dressing the China line up like princesses. Thus the reason why Lucas was walking around in an Elsa dress, and why Renjun was was holding his crown like a weapon while he held his skirt up when he walked. Of course their respective boyfriends were drooling at them. Except for Jungwoo, Jungwoo was laughing hysterically at Yukhei, who had gone the extra mile to put on a damn wig too. Sis probably snatched mine idk. Hendery, however, was parading around the living room like some runway model, flipping his the hair from the wig he had decided to put on too. If you're asking why they have so many wigs, halloween parties is the answer. Finally, the doorbell rang.

            "Am I too late?" Hansol was panting, but still wore a smile on his face. "Of course not, we haven't cut the cake yet. Get your ass inside and give that present to YuWin. Don't ask why Sicheng's wearing a Cinderella dress." Taeyong smiled and let him in. It had been a while since they had seen Hansol, so you shouldn't be surprised when he was tackled to the floor by many, many people. "Gayta, LoseLose! I missed you guys. Here's a present." Hansol gave the two the present and talked, but Yuta noticed that his sight was going around here and there. "Your snow white is in the kitchen" He grinned and pointed in that direction. Hansol awkwardly laughed and thanked him, going where he pointed. Since this isn't a KunSol book, I'm going to stop right there.

              "Chenle I want some cake" Jisung back-hugged his boyfriend who was sitting sadly on the couch, annoyed by the incredibly long skirt that came with his Tiana dress. "My ass isn't available today, try again another time" Chenle grumbled and kissed his cheek instead. "Make do with a kiss" Jisung chuckled and shook his head. "No, Angel I meant real cake, with the chocolate and flour and eggs and sugar and more chocolate." "You've got a chocolate addiction too, huh" Dejun sat down beside them in his Jasmine dress. "When did Yuta say we could take these off?" "After we're done cutting the cake." "Now I just feel bad for you two" Jisung randomly said, to which the two nodded in agreement. "Pity me, I deserve it" Dejun rose from the sofa and went over to complain to Hendery, who was playing with his skirt. 

                "Yeorobun, let's cut this bitch up!" Yuta shrieked and raised a plastic knife in the air. "Yuta Nakamoto, mind your fucking language there are fucking children here" Jaehyun yelled back, but walked towards the cake. Taeyong slapped his forehead, thinking how he got himself a boyfriend like Jaehyun. Oh wait, he's made out of boyfriend material, Taeyong was just incredibly lucky to have been in his kindergarten class, thus the blooming of their beautiful relationship. You see, for 24 people, you'd need a giant cake. Giant cake, means giant knife to cut it. And that measly thing Yuta was holding was an insult to Renjun's collection of knives. Never in his life would he ever eat a cake cut from a knife so small. And that is why he brought his own. A good twelve inches of nothing but sharp metal with a wooden handle, courtesy of Princess Huang. "Honey that knife is what amateurs use" He had sassed. "Use this" And from that moment, Donghyuck learned never to mess with him. He voluntarily approached and socialized with him instead. And of course they hit it off, the bottoms in this book are always best buds.  "Happy birthday you two~ Happy birthday you two~ Your dumbasses are sometimes annoying, but we love you too!" The birthday song was written by none other than Lee Taeyong. And of course who other than the Korean Mariah Carey would be good at singing it? Haechan might have exaggerated it a bit, adding too many high notes, but Taeil's choreography and dancing with Jungwoo, Mark and Taeyong was the icing on the deformed but delicious cake. Taeyong had also included a special rap performance that everyone cheered for, along with Hendery getting on a chair and hyping him up.

            Jaehyun had done his best to draw the both of them, and Johnny had flown in bananas from his garden back in Chicago just for the occasion. Donghyuck had an acrostic poem as a present, and Mark had written a letter. And no one noticed Kun and Hansol talking amidst the chaos. Well maybe no one except Chenji, the dolphin plushie. 

"Alcohol time!" Yuta popped open a bottle. This is where the real chaos begins.

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