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Jisung/Chenle thoughts

    "Jisungie! Can we go to the mirror maze before we leave?" Chenle asked excitedly, as he held on to Chenji, their newborn dolphin child. "Sure, lele" Jisung smiled and pinched his cheek as they walked to the small mirror maze. The sky was fading from a vibrant blue to a mix of purple, orange, and yellow streaks. The park was becoming emptier by the hour.

   They opened the door to the maze and greeted the staff. Jisung stood to the side holding Chenji while Chenle did the talking since his Mandarin wasn't the best. Chenle collected their light up wrist (no unholy) bands and hooked his arm through Jisung's and skipped in happily.

    "Jisung do you want to try calling Renjun from here?"

    "Do it, let's see if he answers" Jisung rubbed his hands together mischievously. Chenle dialed Renjun's number and waited for it to ring. Nothing. He dialed again. "Jisung just imagine Troye Sivan's Fools blaring through the house at full volume-"

    He was cut off by a faint "Only fools fall for you, only fools" before a silent "fuck" was muttered and the ringtone turned off. Chenle shakily pointed a finger in the direction of the ringtone motioned for Jisung to follow him there. Jisung, wanting to be the stereotypical masculine boy, puffed out his chest and confidently grabbed Chenle's hand and made his way through the dark hallways illuminated by multicolored neon tubes of light.

    "R-renjun hyung?" He called out. A small figure shuffled towards them muttering multiple curse words in multiple languages. "What the fuck are y'all doing here?" Renjun crossed his arms expectantly.

    "What the fuck are you doing here?" Chenle handed Chenji to Jisung and placed both his hands on his hips sassily. Renjun smirked. "I'm on a date"

   "Yeah well so am I- Wait what about nomin?" He shrieked. "You see, that's the thing" A voice appeared from behind Renjun as two arms circled around his waist. "Lee Fucking Jeno" Jisung rolled his eyes playfully. "Where's Jaemin?"

    "INJUN, NONO, WHERE THE FUCK ARE Y'ALL- oh hey gang I see we meet." Jaemin smiled brightly and wrapped an arm around Renjun's shoulder.

     "You need to explain. now." Chenle pinched Renjun and pulled him away. Rapid words were exchanged in Mandarin, and it looked like Chenle was relaxing after hearing Renjun's explanation. "Does kun know?"

"Of course he knows, how else could I have two tall dudes flown to China without my mamaKun's permission?" Renjun scoffed at the dumb question. Jaemin, Jeno, and Jisung stood to the side as they argued back and forth. Jisung turned to face the people he was familiar with. "When did you two get here?"

   "This morning actually. We were at a hotel resting from the night packing and flight. We didn't know you guys would be here, we thought you'd be at the one on the other side of China Line's house. We were going to tell you today since we are staying for dinner but I guess that's not necessary" Jeno spit out the words so fast Jisung thought he was listening to a rap but he still managed to catch the words and understand.

    "Jaemin hyung? What do you have to say for yourself?" Bad move. Jaemin straightened himself out and placed his hands on his hips before clearing his throat and starting his trademark- "Jisung Park what makes you think I can't do things when I feel like it-" speech. Thankfully, and in a corrupting way, Jeno pulled Jaemin in for a kiss to shut him up and you could see Jaemin's muscles relax as his hands snaked up to Jeno's neck, deepening the kiss.

   Jisung sighed and averted his eyes.

everyone's in love and shit and I don't even know what I feel for Chenle. Is it love? No it's probably not I'm just wasting my time chasing after someone with no interest in me. don't wanna break his heart now do I?

   "Jisung let's leave them here. I'm tired and I want some rest" Chenle shook Jisung from his negative thoughts and made him focus on the rainbow and butterflies aura that he was surrounded in. "Yeah let's go" Jisung gave the trio one last disappointed look and mouthed 'don't fuck in here' which caused Jaemin and Renjun to laugh while Jeno huffed, obviously flustered.

The only way that chick will ever see me as a partner in life is our parental figures of Chenji. way to go, Chenle

     Chenle let out his dolphin laugh, but it lasted shorter than it usually did. And no one noticed. No one would.

right so I have a few questions for yall pls answer them

do you think this is too emo?

what kind of ending do y'all want?

should I continue my markhyuck book after this even tho idk what to write?

would y'all like a kunsol/jaeyong/doil/luwoo/yuwin book in the future?

requests open for next chapter💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚


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