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Chensung thoughts

                Chenle's eyes darted back and forth from Jisung's, trying to hold his intense gaze. "Jisung?" he squeaked. "Yes?" He leaned closer. "What do you mean by something you will like a lot?" he asked. "You haven't had your first kiss have you?" Jisung brushed their noses together. "No" he replied.

       "Me neither" And finally, Jisung Park grew the balls he needed and kissed him. Chenle couldn't say he didn't expect it from Jisung but the only shock he got was that Jisung's lips tasted like strawberries instead of chocolate, like he had imagined. He found himself deepening the kiss, wrapping his arms around Jisung's neck and tilting his head.

      "Jisung~ Ah~" He panted when they pulled apart to breathe before once again, pulling him into a kiss.

what kind of sound did I just make, namjisoos fucking CHRISTOPHER

       Yes, Jisung was shocked by the fact that Chenle had just moaned, and it was because of him. But if there was anything he learnt from Johnny, it was that if your boyfriend moans when you kiss, don't stop. And that's exactly what Jisung did. No matter how many times he pulled away to breathe he felt himself coming closer for more. Chenle's lips were an addiction. Cliche, it might be, but honey that's just the truth.

         Even if he wanted more, Jisung knew his limits. He pulled away and controlled himself before things got too heated.

we're too young for that
(I'm looking at you, jeffrey, how dare you take twenty's virginity when he was only seventeeeeen)

     Jisung watched a wide eyed Chenle place a hand on his chest as he calmed down his breathing. "I-I'm sorry" He quickly said and tried to walk out of the kitchen. Phone who?

  bitch? you just stole my first kiss and you DARE walk away without giving me another one?

       "Jisung Park I suggest you stand. Right there. Don't move." Chenle folded his arms, confidence meter full like always. Jisung fiddled with his fingers. "Chenle I'm really sorry I don't know what I was thinking I'm so so sorry you probably would never want to give your first kiss to a moron like me dear namjisoos christopher I'm so sorry Chenle I'm so so so so sorr-" Chenle cut him off with the peck on the lips.

     "You thought wrong, genius. I do want to kiss you. Now why don't we sit down and you can explain why you kissed me. I'm not complaining though, remember that" He sniffed the air. "But take a shower first. Might be offending but baby you stink."

      Jisung put his hands up in surrender. "Alright, I'll take a shower" Then he thought, "Wanna join?" he wiggled his eyebrows playfully and asked. "JISUNG PARK" Chenle screeched and hid his red face. "Okay, okay, angel I was just joking, calm down" He laughed. Jisung left Chenle in the kitchen and hurried up to his room.

I haven't checked the group chat in a while

Jaemin is very gay

I like this gc name better than the last one

finally you're back
baby bij you been gone for two days I can't stand these people Sicheng is the only nice one here

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