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babe????? WHAT THE FUCK

During the time that Chenle was talking to some Felix guy, their noodles were served.

Jisung could hear a faint voice come from Chenle's phone as Chenle smiled the widest he had ever seen. "Really? Changbin proposed last week? And you didn't tell me? Damn babe I thought we had something special" Chenle said pouting. Jisung didn't understand a single word he said except for Changbin, obviously a Korean name, and babe. He never would have thought that Chenle had a boyfriend.

"Alrighty then Felix. I better get a invitation to your wedding. Bye babe I love you!" He said before finally hanging up the phone.

"I-is that your b-boyfriend?" Jisung asked nervously. Chenle giggled and nodded. "We've been really close ever since I visited Australia last year. He's actually a really precious bean." Chenle sighed dreamily as he looked into Jisung's eyes.

Jisung wanted to break down in tears. He had come to China for what? For his heart to be stepped on and squished by Chenle's Gucci flip flops.

I want to go home.

"Chenle do you want to eat now? The food's getting cold."He forced a smile on his face and asked. "Yeah sure, Sungie!" Chenle smiled and dug into his food.

The two finished their dinners and decided to walk back home. "Sooo what's up Jisung" Chenle quietly asked.

Why didn't you tell me you had a boyfriend?

"Nothing much. I just really miss my home." Jisung shrugged his shoulders.

"What's Korea like? What are your friends like?" Chenle questioned.

"Korea's nice and warm and beautiful"

like you

"I would love for you to visit. As for my friends, I think I'll just add you in our group chat." He replied putting his hands in his pockets so Chenle doesn't see him fidgeting with them.

Jisung and narration

"Oh Jisung we're here"

"So are you going to ring the doorbell or do we call Kun?"

"we obviously call Kun!" He shouted, letting out his infamous (famous) dolphin laugh.

"three, two, one"



The two boys looked at each other and laughed hysterically while imagining the look on Kun's face.

I guess we can be friends, Mr never-going-to-be-my-boyfriend-Chenle


whats fuccin gucci neocrackheadzens

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