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                       "Well" Taeyong gave the two one last smile before he stood up from the table, with Johnny, Yuta, and Jaemin following in suit. "It was nice to see you again, Mr and Mrs Park. You should come over for dinner some time." Mrs Park smiled and followed them to the door. "We'd love to, Taeyong." "Take care of the kids!" Yuta yelled before closing the door behind him, since he was the last to leave. Mr Park turned to the boys and grinned awkwardly.

       "Welcome to our, uh, humble abode! Nice to meet you Chenle" He had a bit of trouble pronouncing the Chinese's name but Chenle was glad he had put in the effort all the same. "Nice to meet you too, Mr Park" He bowed respectfully. Jisung on the other hand, stretched out his long legs and swung them onto the coffee table. "So, did Mom scold you while her darling son was gone?" He drawled, putting his arms behind his head. Mrs Park scoffed and pushed her son's feet off the table.

      "I don't scold my husband more than I scold you" Jisung placed a hand on his chest and fake-winced. "Ouch" "You guys are so wholesome" Chenle bit into the remaining portion of his sandwich. "I like that" Mrs Park laughed and put an arm around his shoulder. "Sweetie, you have no idea how hard it is to deal with these two morons. It's like babysitting two children." She then placed her hands on her hips and stood proudly. "I am proud to say that I have been a babysitter for twenty-three years" Chenle raised his eyebrows and applauded her, while the husband and child rolled their eyes. 

                          "Tell your wife to stop exaggerating" Jisung grumbled. "Tell your mom not to call me a child" Mr Park huffed. Both of them looked at each other, then burst into laughter. "Dad, you are kinda child-like" "Your mother's not exaggerating. You're our kid" Mrs Park sighed and waved them off. "They're always like this, they can't hold a grudge against each other or me for more than two seconds" "Yeah he really can't hold grudge-" Chenle's eyes widened as he stopped mid sentence. 


         "Jisung" He gasped. "We forgot to ask Kun what happened with him and Hansol! Oh my sausage, Mrs Park please excuse me, I need to go ask my second mom about his boyfriend" He hurried out of the dining room, pulling out his phone and mumbling incoherent things. Jisung smiled at him unconsciously, forgetting that he wasn't the only one in the room.


      "Mr Andy" Mrs Park tapped his shoulder. "Stop being so whipped, you remind me too much of your dad when he stared at me in class when we were still in school" Jisung frowned and sipped his apple juice. "Don't start with your grandma stories, mom. What's for lunch?"

           His dad laughed and set down his coffee mug. "My extravagant cooking, of course"

"Your dad didn't volunteer to cook, he just doesn't want to admit that he lost a game of chess to me"

"Stop bullying me"

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