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Jisung/Chenle thoughts
me uwu

this is so awkward

Jisung was currently sitting beside a flustered Chenle who was avoiding any form of physical or verbal contact.

"Do you guys know what's wrong with him?" He asked, sick of the tension. "Yeah so, Chenle doesn't talk for like half an hour when he gets really flustered" Ten picked at his black-painted nails. "What did you guys do up there?"

"I, uh, called him an angel?" Jisung answered nervously. Ten burst into laughter, earning a glare from Chenle and a confused look from Jisung.

"Oh, man he gets flustered so easily" Ten laughed his ass off and even stopped to wipe his tears. "You see Jisung, Chenle's favourite song from gaycity 127 is angel, and it's also his favourite pet name. He loves to be called that but won't admit it. That's why he blushes every time he hears that song or that word" He explained.

"CHITTAPHON LEECHAIYAPORNKUL I WILL END YOU" Chenle screeched and proceeded to repeatedly hit the shorter.

"Anyway where was I? So if you want to make Chenle flustered like this, just call him angel. I'm pretty sure you'd actually mean it when you say it" Ten added with a wink.

"Good to know then" Jisung broke into a toothy grin.

"ChENLE STOP ABUSING MY BOYFRIEND" Johnny came running into the room and pried the angry dolphin off of Ten.

"IT'S NOT MY FAULT JOHNNY, HE WAS EXPOSING ME TO JISUNG" Chenle yelled back and waved his arms in the air, just for exaggeration.


"Chenle how about we get properly dressed and go out today hm?" Jisung back hugged Chenle and slowly pulled him away from Ten.

"Yeah that's sounds good. I wouldn't want to be accused of murder today. That's Renjun's department." He mumbled and leaned into his touch.

jeno and jaemin have to deal with a lot, damn

"Angel how about you get dressed first? I'll be down here with Johnny and Ten" Jisung let go of Chenle and motioned towards the staircase.

Chenle crossed his arms and pouted, his cheeks turning a slight pink in the process. "Fine" He huffed and stomped up the stairs.

I want to keep you in my pocket

"Jisung" Johnny called. "Your gayness is showing"

Normally at a comment like that, Jisung would groan and hide his face in his hands. But, "Thanks Johnny hyung, I'm aware. It's okay to be gay as fuck if the person you're gay for is an absolute angel" He replied, letting out a sigh as he stared lovingly in the direction of Chenle's room.

"Taeyong and Jaehyun raised you well." Ten clapped approvingly.

"Yeah well, Jaemin taught him most of the 'being gay' and 'how to come out to your parents' stuff. He learnt a lot from nomin's PDA" Johnny snorted.

"Some PDA they have alright. My innocent eyes have seen too much" Jisung whimpered and put his face in his hands.


Oh how Jisung wished he never looked back up. His not-so-innocent eyes were met with the sight of Johnny and Ten sucking each other's faces off.

sounds like those Wattpad books. 'tongues clashing, fighting for dominance' ew. sigh I'm so single. I hope Chenle likes me.

Jisung averted his eyes from them and walked up to Chenle's room. He never had a habit of knocking before entering anyone's house unless it was new to him so I guess you could say he was welcomed with something pleasant when he opened the door?

stay innocent you bij the world is so different when you lose your innocence, it's like you can laugh at almost anything, mistaking it for something else👀💚💜❤️

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