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"I don't believe it" Chenle dropped his school bag on the floor. "KUN DID YOU FOLD MY BLANKETS?"Chenle yelled downstairs.

"WELL DUH! YOU JUST WOULDN'T FOLD THEM" Kun shouted back upstairs.

No, Chenle didn't see Jisung. Why? Because Jisung Pwark is incredibly introverted and ended up quietly running inside Chenle's closet and closing the door.

Luckily, Jisung was still able to see the outside from a small hole in the side. And holy fuck.

Chenle had sweat dripping down his neck as he loosened his school tie and unbuttoned the first few buttons of his shirt. "Why is it so hot in here" Chenle muttered as he continued to unbutton his shirt.

Jisung's heart was aggressively dancing to black on black by gaycity 2018 as he stared at the sight. Soon enough, he felt a liquid make its way out of his mouth and drop close to his chin

"What the fuck- am I drooling" He quickly wiped away his saliva and resumed to watching his love.

Chenle was walking close to the closet, possibly to take the necessities to shower. "I'm fucked" Jisung thought.

Little did he know, Chenle's closet had two compartments. Meaning that he had actually shoved his almost six foot self into only one side of his closet.

It was Jisung's lucky day, because Chenle kept his clothes in the other side of the closet.

"Wait so what am I sitting on-" Jisung looked down. He was actually screwed this time. All that while, he had been sitting on Chenle's Stephen-Curry autographed Jersey, and because Jisung sat on it the signature had slightly smudged.

"He is going to kill me oh shit I screwed up big time" Jisung panicked and put a hand over his racing heart to calm himself down. "It's okay, I can just sneak out when he goes to shower"

Just like he said, when Chenle went inside the bathroom Jisung dashed out of the room as quietly as he could and ran downstairs into the kitchen.

"Kun I messed up. Big time" He panted to the male who was eating a bagel.


"Jisung sometimes you really disappoint me and remind me of Chenle. I'm sure he won't mind. But he really loves that Jersey. He's rich enough to buy ten of those so it won't be a problem." Kun said taking another bite out of his bagel.

The two were talking in yangyang's old room with Taeyong and Jaehyun listening in and giving their opinion from time to time.

"Okay but did he see or notice you?" Jaehyun asked. "No he didn't. I hid in his closet because I was scared." Jisung admitted.

"Okay well" Taeyong clasped his hands together. "How about this. Kun and his kids will distract Chenle while you go back up there and sit on his bed."

"Okay mom"

"Kun why do I hear voices who are you talking to-" Chenle's voice could be heard, and judging from the volume, he was near the staircase and making his way there.

"Shoot he's here" Kun quickly pushed Taeyong, Jaehyun, and Jisung into the bathroom while he pressed his phone to his ear and pretended to talk to that "person".

"I'm just talking to YangYang's teacher. I think he's doing better in his classes" Kun have Chenle a dimpled smile and a thumbs up. The freshly showered boy raised an eyebrow and walked past the room, muttering an "alrighty then"

Kun opened the bathroom door and sighed in relief. "That was close. Jisung I think xiaohenyang have distracting Chenle covered. I texted Sicheng, Lucas and Renjun to help hide you in Chenle's room." He said pointing to the door.

"Thank you Kun" Jisung bowed in respect and silently ran to the doorway and up the stairs where yukhei was already waiting to escort him inside.

"Go, go, go" Yukhei whispered as he covered Jisung who ran for Chenle's room.

He plopped himself down on the bed and sighed. "Here we go again'

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