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Pwark Jisung

Jisung was confused. He had expected Chenle to be loud and bounced off the walls and be all hyped. He did not expect for them to be sitting on Chenle's bed and doing his homework. Jisung wasn't helping at all. He was too busy staring into Chenle's eyes. beautiful

"Jisung? Jisung? JISUNG?" Chenle shook Jisung's shoulders with a worried look on his face. "Are you okay?"

"Huh, yeah I'm fine" Jisung muttered. "So what's four times six?" Chenle raised an eyebrow at the younger. shit. "Uhm. Sixteen?" He answered doubtfully. "nO" Chenle's dolphin laugh reverberated around the room. beautiful

Jisung stared blankly at the boy who was laughing his ass off. "Jisung- Six times four is twenty four, not sixteen you dummy dumb" Chenle said wiping the sweat off his forehead.

"Chenle can we tour the city now? We've been doing your homework for the past three hours." Jisung whined. "Yeah sure. We can go now." Chenle giggled.

The two boys stepped out into the cold yard after yelling a quick "we'll be back later" to Kun. Chenle was shivering, Jisung could tell. He immediately grabbed Chenle's hands and interwined their fingers together. "Are you cold?" Jisung whispered.

"K-kind of" Chenle whispered back. Jisung disconnected their hands and removed his jacket only to put it around Chenle. "Are you sure you'll be fine with just a hoodie?" The older asked. "I'll be fine if you're warm and with me"

They visited many arcades and shops and yet still never made a dent in Chenle's money. "Lele do you want to go to a restaurant for dinner? I'll pay" Jisung asked. "So it's a date?" Chenle smirked. "If you want it to be" Jisung pressed his forehead against Chenle's and kissed his nose.

"Let's go" He smiled and skipped away from the blushing boy. "h-HEY GET BACK HERE JISUNG PARK" Chenle yelled out.

Jisung ran across the street to a decent looking restaurant and waited for Chenle. Chenle came running and panting and Jisung yanked him into the restaurant and they were immediately hit by the warm atmosphere of it.

"I like this place sungie" Chenle glanced at the taller. And I like you too

"Of course you do"  Jisung ruffled Chenle's hair and sat themselves down at a table. "So, what do you want to order?"

"Whatever you're having, Lele"

"Then" Chenle tapped his chin in thought. cute. "Let's have noodles"

"Sounds good" Jisung nodded approvingly.

"Oh sungie can you wait for awhile? I have to take this" Chenle smiled apologetically as he gestured to his ringing phone.

"Yeah sure"

Chenle took out his phone and answered it. "Felix, babe how's Australia?"

BABE???? what the fuck

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