🎂56💚(yuwin bday special)

611 24 16

           "Wake up kiddo" Chenle blinked a few times and stared into the eyes of Jeong Jaehyun. He groaned and threw a pillow at him. "Why? I wanna sleep" "It's time for dinner. Doyoung wants you two down in five minutes. I suggest you hurry" Jaehyun caught the pillow and threw it back at the younger. Chenle immediately started shaking Jisung so he would wake up. "Jisung? Jisungie wake up, it's time for dinner" Jisung pulled him back to the pillows. "Kiss me, then I'll  get up. I tolerated a whole day of you being hugged by different people so just give me a kiss angel" "You babie" Chenle sighed and leaned forward, letting their lips touch.

                    "Now get up" Jisung threw the blanket off his legs and lumbered to the bathroom to wash his face.  "I'll go down first, okay sungie?" After hearing approval, the Zhong hurried down the stairs to be met with the aroma of fried chicken. He smiled to himself, reminded of his tall boyfriend. "What's joppin gays?" He grabbed a glass of water from the very long dining table. Taeyong was supposed to be seated at one end with Jaehyun beside him, the other end unoccupied. "My will to live" Taeyong glared at Renjun for his comment and placed a plate of food in front of Chenle's seat. "We don't do negativity here"

"But Doyoung exists"

"He's an exception"

"I demand to be an exception too"

"Fine, just eat your food Renjun"

                              Jisung came down a few seconds after the short conversation and took his seat beside Chenle. Doyoung placed his food in front of him and took his own seat beside Taeil. "Let's discuss" Johnny said through a mouthful of rice. "When are the rest of China Line coming?" Jungwoo asked softly. "Tomorrow. Kun has to help us cook and arrange and shit, you know" Donghyuck answered as he shoved a piece of chicken into Mark's mouth. "SO" Ten clapped to get everyone's attention. "All the responsible and not clumsy people who can cook will be cooking?" "Yes, Chittaphon. Eat your cherry tomato" 

"Johnny, baby, won't you eat the dumb fruit for me?"


"You don't need to eat fruits when you got yourself an amazing boyfriend who knows you don't and won't eat fruits"

"Am greatly flattered"

               "Stop flirting, I feel single" Donghyuck whined and leaned on Mark's shoulder, who chuckled at his words. "His name is Mark, you got it marked on your heart. Why you feelin' single?" Sicheng muttered. If he had said that a little louder, Mark would have known. You see, everyone at the table right now, except for Markie pooh of course, may or may not know about the fact that Donghyuck did indeed have Mark's name marked into his skin. He had the tattoo right above where his heart was, saying "Property of Lee Minhyung". He had it done on Mark's birthday the previous year and it's still somehow a secret, despite the fact that those two have been sharing a room for the past eleven months.

                 "It's amazing that you guys want to do this, it really is" Yuta smiled his healing smile and squeezed his husband's hand under the table, indicating to not turn this conversation MarkHyuck based. "Yuta don't say that, we'd do anything for you guys" Taeil scrunched his nose at his words. "Besides, it almost makes you sound" He shuddered. "Sane" Yuta nodded and raised his glass of sprite. "TO THE NEW CRACKHEADS" He winked at Shotaro and Sungchan. "TO THE NEW CRACKHEADS" Nineteen voices were heard, loud and clear. This is the kind of family dinner most people wish for. It's just that most people don't have the luck of having NCT as their family. Unlike nctzens, sis we spoiled with luv 25/8🤡 you're welcome to join the fandom at anytime, the gates to neocity are always open. 

                        "Okay that's enough talking for one day, I know we're all going to be tired from all the work we have to do tomorrow so everyone, eat well and sleep well. Have a good night" Taeyong rose from the table with those words and went to wash his and Jaehyun's plate, since the younger was incredibly tired. A few at a time, they filed out of the dining room and to their respective bedrooms. Let's just say they all slept well, while Kun was packing to visit them after putting XiaoHenYang to bed and packing their luggage first. I just want to say that Kun is literally the most perfect man on this planet okay gn.


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