🎂58💚(YuWin bday pt 3)

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                                            "Jeong Jaehyun I swear to namjisoos chris if you don't stop Hendery from deep throating that Popsicle I will step on you" Jaehyun had arrived to pick Kun and his kids up from the airport but things were going not so smoothly. Hendery had demanded he needed to know what Korean Popsicles tasted like so Kun had Jaehyun buy him one while he checked the packing list. He was on the phone with the taller who seemed a little surprised at how Hendery was devouring the dessert while Kun yelled at him to make him stop. "JAEHYUN" He finally yelled. Jaehyun flinched and returned to his senses. "Stop that" He slapped Hendery's arm. But it was to no avail. The boy had already finished it and was wiping his lips. "Just practicing a little. What's up with you man?" He chuckled and walked over to Kun  who yelled at him for a good two minutes about how he would not "tolerate unholy behavior in public". As if he didn't have Hansol's tongue down his throat in the front row of a movie theatre a year ago. 

          As far as Kun was concerned, he wanted to get home as soon as possible. He wanted to reduce all possible chances of running into his ex and just wanted to focus on YuWin for the whole day. Oh how clueless he was! Anyway, let's skip the car ride since that was boring and the going home and sleeping part because that's what everyone did last time. Let's continue frommmmmmmmmm KUN WAKING UP!!!!!!!!

           Kun stumbled into the kitchen. He might be half asleep but cooking was possibly the only other thing that could recharge his rusty batteries other than sleep, which had obviously been given up by him. "Right on time. I was going to start on the dishes that Sicheng likes but I suppose you can do it better" Taeyong smiled and handed an apron to him. "I'll start with the cake, you cook" Kun took the apron from him, returning the same smile but accented with dimples of his own. "My pleasure, Mr Lee" 

         The two had finished cooking by around two thirty. "YEOROBUN ARE THE DECORATIONS PUT UP ALREADY?" Taeyong yelled as he set some plates down. Or should I say, a lot of plates. "WE'RE DONE PUTTING THEM UP, MOM" Jisung yelled back which was followed by Chenle's giggles. "Kid's gained confidence now that he has himself a boyfie" Taeyong muttered. Kun laughed at the sudden statement and smiled sadly. "Not everyone can claim the pleasure of having one" Sensing the mood going down, the Korean tried to crack a joke. "Yeah well, look at Hendery, Dejun, YangYang, Renjun, Jaemin, and Jeno. They have two boyfriends each." "Even better for them I guess. The more the merrier?" Kun said or asked, more like.

                     "Actually having two is quite stressful." Renjun walked in, no doubt wearing Jaemin's hoodie and Jeno's shorts. "I can't feel my legs anymore" "I can't feel my legs anymore either. I've been standing for at least two hours now" Kun complained as he stretched. "Oldies" Chenle scoffed as he opened the fridge and pulled out a bottle of coke. "Pour me a glass too, fetus" Renjun handed him a cup, which he reluctantly filled too. "ANgel oh look mom you're here" Jisung smiled awkwardly and took the glass from Chenle. "I'm watching you Jisung. Don't forget that I raised you. Do not flirt in front of me unless Jaehyun is there. Do I make myself clear?" Taeyong nagged. "Yes, Taeyong hyung." Jisung sighed and led his boyfriend out of the kitchen.

            "How much you want to bet Kun would be dating Hansol in less than two weeks?"

            "No thanks to the bet. I know it'll happen"

 Am i making this story too long?

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