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The crew looked over the farm as they piled out of their vehicles. The land was spacious and full of fields, a perfect combination of glossy green and golden yellow grass. Beth smiled as she noticed a few dogs running around, playing as they followed a young girl out to the chicken coop. The crew walked up to the large house, Dog knocking on the door. A man with brown hair and brown eyes opened the door, smiling when he spotted Dog.

"Hey, I'm guessing you know who we are," Dog lightly chuckled and the man nodded with a grin.

"Yeah, I'm Danny," the man shook his hand and opened the door up bigger, inviting the crew in. They came into the house, spreading out a little as they all looked at Danny. "What's up? I'm assuming this has something to do with Mike."

"Yes it does," Dog chuckled. "He broke his bail, and we've been tryna catch him for a couple weeks now with no luck. We came here hoping to try our last plan. Is Maggie Matthews here?"

"She actually just got home for spring break," Danny said as he heard her door open. Maggie came down the stairs, bright blue eyes and dark brown hair. She looked at the group and released a small, nervous sigh. Beth looked at her with a small, genuine smile. Leland looked at her, smiling a little bit to himself before looking away.

"Is it okay if we talk to you about your father?" Beth asked.

Maggie let out a small sigh and nodded as she walked down the last 2 steps, leading the group into the living room, where she sat down on a couch. The rest of the crew sat down in the surrounding chairs and couches, sitting in a small circle.

"So you're the one who called his bailsman?" Dog asked.

"Yes," Maggie responded.

"What happened that made you do that?"

"He found where my dorm was and followed me when I was walking home from a class. He attacked me and tried to get me in his car, but a couple of students saw him and yelled at him, which scared him off and he escaped. He was definitely high and probably drunk too," Maggie replied, looking at Dog. "I knew he wouldn't quit drugs but I just wanted to stay out of it. His bailsman, Gary, told me to call him only if he deliberately breaks his restraining order or tries to harm anybody. The students walked with me to my dorm and I called Gary right away from there."

"What did you do after that?" Duane Lee asked.

"I called Danny and his parents, Jake and Terry, who are the ones who I've been living here with, the owners of the farm, and they all came down that night to pick me up because I was too tired to drive. The next morning I found an apartment close enough to the school and moved there. That was about 3 weeks ago, I haven't heard from him since."

"Okay, so here's the thing," Dog leaned forward in his chair, looking at Maggie. "We've been searching for him for two weeks now. We've done or normal way of hunting, handing out mugshots and asking if anybody's seen him. We've been given 4 different locations from informants, which we've sat and waited and nobody was there. We didn't want to do this, but you are our last option. We are wondering if you'd be okay with setting him up somehow. A place where he will come to you, we will be nearby and we will get him before he even touches you."

"So... I want him caught. I do. But if I see him I automatically shut down... I just," Maggie took a breath.

"We know, but we won't let him touch you," Beth replied. "He won't hurt you."

Maggie nodded. "Okay, okay."

"So how do you think we can do this?" Lyssa asked.

"Well we should wait until around 2 in the morning, that's when he's drunk, not high, and the most gullible. That's when he doesn't think about consequences and only thinks about what he wants. I'll text him or call him, asking if he has money he can give me for a car or something... he won't be smart enough to think about the fact that I'd never contact him. The alcohol will just be telling him how amazing of an opportunity this is and he'll show up."

"You're sure that'll work?" Leland asked, looking at the girl.

"It's your best bet," Maggie responded.

"Okay," Dog nodded. "Let's get ready."

The day went by quickly as they spent it by talking amongst one another. Maggie showed everybody around the farm along with introducing them to Danny's parents, Jake and Terry. Around 1 am, the crew got together and took off in their trucks, getting ready to arrest the man. Dog, Lyssa and Duane Lee were in one truck, meanwhile with Beth driving the other, Leland and Maggie sat in the back.

"I can tell you want to ask something," Maggie said softly, looking at Leland.

Leland sighed. "You really hate him, huh?"

"Yeah, after everything he's done to me... yeah." Leland still had something to ask, but didn't. Maggie knew what it was. "I'll tell you the story another day."

"Alright," Leland said quietly.

They arrived at an empty parking lot, where Maggie was going to call Mike. She took a breath, dialing the number and calling. He picked up almost instantly.

"Where are you," Mike said on the other line.

"Where are you? I need something. But that's it. I'll let you see me but I need money," Maggie said, her hand already having a slight shake from hearing his voice.

"...how much."

"8,000, I need it in cash. No contact. You can see me and that's it."

"...okay," he slurred.

After giving her an address, Dog scribbled it down on a notepad before Maggie hung up the phone.

"I can smell the drunk through the phone," Beth mumbled with an eye roll. She looked at Maggie, giving an assuring smile and nod before going to talk to Dog. Leland followed Maggie into the car, where he noticed her shaking hand and grabbed it.

"You're safe with us," Leland said, looking at her. She glanced at Leland, seeing the small grin, assuring her. She sighed, nodding as Beth got in the truck.

"You ready?" Beth asked. Maggie let out a breath as she nodded.

"I guess."

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