On Sabbatical

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On Sabbatical

A Kim Possible Fanfic by

Nate Grey (XMAN0123-at-aol-dot-com)

(if you're wondering why I spell it like that, QuickEdit strikes again)

Dr. Drakken was in the midst of designing yet another plan for world domination when he became aware of someone approaching his work desk. Slowly, he looked up to find his somewhat faithful henchwoman striding towards him. Thankfully, she didn't look upset, so for the moment, he suspected that he was safe from her wrath. Still, he didn't like being disturbed, and she knew that by now.

"What is it, Shego?" he asked, putting just enough annoyance in voice that he was sure she'd catch it.

Not even breaking stride, Shego slapped a yellow Post-It on his forehead as she passed. "Gotta run. Later, Doctor D."

Drakken frowned at her retreating back and snatched the sticky note off. It was, he found, rather short and to the point. Perhaps that was why he read it out loud.

"Dear Doctor D., My contract ends as of midnight, Friday, so consider these last two days paid vacation. Seeya, Shego."

She had ended the note, rather obnoxiously, with a glaring green smiley, its tongue sticking out at him.

Drakken glanced at his calendar, and saw that it was, indeed, only Wednesday. "Oh. Well, I suppose two days is just enough time to finish drafting my ingenious plans for world domination, and I could use the peace and quiet. No clumsy henchmen in the way, no Kim Possible swinging in to foil me, and no angry Shego yelling about every other...little...thing..."

The impact of the note hit him so suddenly, it nearly knocked him off his feet.

Minutes later, he rushed outside just in time to see his favorite hovercraft zooming into the sky.

"Shego!" he shouted angrily, shaking a fist at the rapidly fading ship. "SHEGO!" Before he realized what he was doing, the words were in his mouth. "You think you're all that, but...you're..." He trailed off, and then his angry expression crumbled into pure, babyish bawling. "BUT YOU ARE!" he wailed as he fell to his knees, sobbing loudly for anyone who cared to hear him.

Inside the hovercraft, Shego grinned as she hit the STOP button on her recorder. "No matter how many times I hear that, I never get tired of it!" She leaned back in her chair and set the tape to loop, after putting the hovercraft on autopilot. Then she just relaxed and let the soothing sounds of Drakken's pitiful wails carry her to her next destination.

"Well, Lord Monty Fisk. Why am I not surprised to see you here?"
Neither was Monkey Fist surprised as Jack Hench sat down next to him. "Hench," he muttered by way of greeting. "I thought you had everything already?"

"Almost everything," Jack replied, straightening his tie uncomfortably. "I'm missing only one thing—the very same thing you're here to purchase, no doubt."

"Aren't we all?" Monkey Fist asked coolly.

"Of course. A woman of Shego's credentials is indeed a rare and valuable commodity. I hope you won't get your hopes up this year, though. I'd hate for you to leave disappointed...again."

Monkey Fist glared at him, but did not reply. He'd come closest to winning Shego's services the previous year, as Professor Dementor had been away on business, and Hench had been craftily evading yet another attempt by Global Justice to shut his operation down.

Hench seemed intent on making conversation, though...or at least a sale. "I don't suppose you're interested in replacing any of those monkey ninjas of yours? We recently revamped our entire animal division. With you in mind, of course."

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