Humanities and Sciences by StarvingLunatic 14

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14: Ecology 211 — How to Prepare and Interact

It was a lazy weekend for the trio. Shego was beating up on her pinball machine. Kim was playing tug of war with Cali. Bonnie was lying on the couch with her Kimmunicator tablet, aka the Bon-pad according to Kim, but Bonnie had yet to name in hand, appearing to be working.

"Do you think we should adopt or go with artificial insemination?" Bonnie pondered aloud.

"Wha?" Kim was so stunned that Cali was able to pull her over. She made a strangled noise as she tried to catch her balance, but Cali had her. She ended up on the floor.

"The hell?" It sounded like Shego fell against the pinball machine. "The hell you say? Fuck, Duchess, I lost the ball!"

Bonnie snickered. "I just wondered where we stood on that now. I mean, it's been a year. Isabel... well, Mommy is sure she's going to die before we have kids. Or worse, the twins will beat us to it." She and Kim were still trying their best to remember to call Isabel "Mommy" as Shego was struggling with "Mom" for Ann. It was easy to do when they faced the women, but not so much when the Moms were not around.

All the twins, Possibles and Gos, were now involved in serious relationships. Some longer than others, but all certain that they had found the One. There was some skepticism in that, but the twins were ignoring that. There were more than likely weddings in the future for Jim and Tim, but Wes and Wen seemed satisfied as they were.

"So, where do we stand?" Bonnie asked curiously.

Kim picked herself up off of the floor and sat down by Bonnie, earning a sorrowful look from Cali because she still wanted to play. Shego exited the game room to pace the living room. Cali trotted around her.

"I wouldn't mind adopting," Kim offered, glancing at Shego. "There are a lot of kids out there that world be thankful for three moms, even if it's weird."

"If we adopt, and this is a big IF, I want a baby. I think we need to start with a clean slate," Shego replied, running her fingers through her hair.

"Would adopting appease your mother?" Bonnie asked.

"Man, fuck Mommy. This is our decision. But, yes, she'd accept an adopted grandchild with open arms. At this point, she just wants a grandkid. If he or she fell from the sky, Mommy wouldn't ask any questions," Shego answered.

"I'm sure the fact that you can practically hear your biological clock ticking away helps," Bonnie teased.

The eldest frowned. "That's the last time I tell you about my nightmares." The lawyer stuck her tongue out at Shego. Recently, Shego had been having a recurring dream that she was too old to have a baby and it always made her wake up in an anxious sweat. Most of the dream, she could not remember, but she always knew she could not carry a baby.

"Bonnie, would you be all right with adopting?" Kim inquired.

Bonnie was silent for a moment. "I think... I think I want to have a baby. I want to carry a baby." Her hand went to her flat belly for a moment.

Both Kim and Shego blinked, but that did not stop green eyes from going wide. Bonnie glanced down briefly and then smiled at them. Shego paused from pacing, eyed her wives, and then sat down with them.

"Are you sure?" Shego inquired, keeping her voice from shaking.

"Yes, I am," Bonnie replied in a stronger tone.

"So, you want to be artificially inseminated?" Kim asked.

"Well... I guess in a way," Bonnie replied.

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