On Being Sheila Gonzalez by Nate Grey

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Chapter 4: Delightful Dementia

There were a number of things Shego was not accustomed to waking up to, and breakfast in bed was definitely one of them. That, however, was what she got the next morning.

Upon opening her eyes, she found a banner stretched across the length of Kim's bedroom, which bore the words, "We're Sorry!" Under said banner were Jim and Tim Possible, each bearing a tray loaded with food, and wearing identical (and slightly creepy, in Shego's opinion) tooth-filled smiles.

Shego's first instinct was to scream, but she suppressed it rather admirably. Instead, she poked Kim awake and declared, "We have a pest problem." She gestured to the boys, hoping Kim would at least yell and send them away (minus the food).

So of course Kim chose this one time to be oddly touched and amazingly forgiving. She did at least hug the twins, which apparently scared them more than anything else she could've done.

Even more strange was the fact that the twins were under the impression that Shego might be leaving...and they didn't want her to, as they demonstrated by latching onto her legs the instant she got out of bed.

"You can't leave us here with her!" Jim pleaded, pointing at Kim. "She's only tolerable when she's been sucking face with you!"

Kim almost throttled him for that remark, but when Shego pointed out that Kim was always in a better mood after they'd kissed, the matter was quickly dropped.

"And who's going to test our new plasma weapons if you leave?" Tim demanded. "Do you know how hard it is to get a constant, reliable source of plasma when you're under 21?"

Shego finally got them to let go, but only with assurances that when and if she kidnapped Kim, she would first drop the boys off in one of Dr. Drakken's old hideouts, where there would be plenty of destructive toys to play with.

"You're supposed to reformed now," Kim pointed out, "not introducing new criminal geniuses to an unsuspecting underworld."

"You say that now, Kimmie. But in ten years, when they're running half the planet and sending enormous checks to Auntie Shego, then you'll want to say it was your idea. And I'll be there to laugh, point the finger, and say I told you so."

Kim had decided, and Wade had agreed, that Shego should stay at home until it was time for practice. If they were together, they might be too tempting a target for Professor Dementor, and someone at school could get hurt. They were banking on the idea that Dementor didn't know where Shego was currently residing, and that he'd wait until Kim was alone (or at least only with Ron) to strike.
Shego had reluctantly agreed to stay home that day, but only after several kisses from Kim and a promise that she would be called every other hour by Wade to be assured of Kim's safety.

So Kim walked to school with Ron and Monique, who were decidedly much more comfortable around her. Ron was his old, talkative self, and was able to meet Kim's eyes as he always had before. Monique sometimes trailed off in the middle of a sentence, but Kim recognized that every time she'd done so, she'd been staring at Ron, who seemed embarrassingly aware of the attention. Kim refrained from commenting, but she couldn't help the smile that came to her face, knowing that her two best friends had, if not fallen in love, then at least found comfort in each other...even if it was mostly physical in nature.

Not that Kim wouldn't grill Monique for all the juicy details on her sex life the first chance she got, but that could wait. At least until Dementor was taken care of, she decided.

"Still no news on Professor Dementor?" Kim asked for the third time, exchanging some books in her locker.
"Well, he did just break out," Wade reasoned from the computer. "Maybe he's had time to cool down and realize he needs to keep a low profile."

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