13) Tangled Up in Green by Poetheather1

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Chapter 13: Historical Revelations
Tangled Up In Green

Heather O'Malley

Kim Possible is owned by the Disney Corporation and they have no connection to this what so ever. These characters are used without their permission and include a plea not to be sued as I have no money.

Historical Revelations

Since Kim had been having a craving for Bueno Nacho for the past several hours, the two of them were seated in one of the booths at the fast food Mexican place. Kim had been the one to get the food up at the counter while the pale green woman sat in the booth trying to settle herself. Things had been changing rapidly in Shego's world and it was difficult to remain focused on who she had become rather that or who she was or even who she had been. That damn beam weapon of Electroniques that Ron had destroyed had shattered all of her carefully built up layers of tough and mean and bitchy and disdain and who she really was had begun to seep through slowly. She had been changing before all of this had started and was on the way to becoming something or rather someone else. That realization scared her in more ways than one.

Kim returned shortly with a tray laden with food and drinks and sat down smiling at her wife. Shego stared into Kimmie's olive green eyes, and Kim was sure something was majorly bothering the woman. Shego smiled weakly at the red head, realizing that the cheerleader really was beautiful and she was luckier than she had any right to be in ending up together with her Princess. Once the food had been parceled out Kim looked over at her pale green skinned wife and asked worriedly, "Eme, are you okay?"

Shego shook her head, almost too choked up to say no. Tears were threatening again and she groaned in frustration. Was she really going to break down and cry here in a fucking Bueno Nacho? To let Kim in on what was going on she said, "History."

Kim nodded, feeling a bit better knowing that it wasn't her that was the problem. That had been bothering her ever since Club Banana. She was worried about her wife, as the green tea skinned woman looked very deeply introspective, which was a rare sight for her. That Shego had said history, then it probably was something from the woman's past that had risen up to overwhelm her for some sort of reason. Kim took a hand and held it comfortingly, not sure what else to do. Until she heard what was going on she would have little chance of knowing what to do or say. Things were in Shego's court right now and that was frustrating.

Shego picked at her naco salad some with her spork, mostly stirring things together rather than actually eating much of it. Her thoughts were a jumble of disjointed images and feelings and she really had no idea how to proceed. Too much of her life had been spent either burying this or running away from it. Dealing with it had never really happened but she kind of had to now. "Kimmie...how do you see me?"

"Hmm?" Kim questioned, unsure of what exactly Shego was asking for with that question.

"I mean, am I butch, femme, strong, weak, hot, not, you know...stuff like that." She kept stirring her food, worried about the answer more than she cared to admit.

Kim's thoughts raced at that, connecting the various words together, trying to make sense of things, to spin a picture out of the disjointed images. There really wasn't a lot to go on ands that was frustrating her. Maybe if she just started talking the answer would be there. "Well, I see you as very strong and unwilling to live your life on anything but your own terms but able to compromise. Not exactly butch but not exactly soft either. You are definitely smart, sarcastic, mysterious and well...fun to be around. You are quickly becoming my best friend in the world, maybe even closer to me than Ron, which I think I may be okay with. You are the woman I love and the other mother of my child. That help any?"

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