2) Bedtime Stories with Gracie Anne by Poetheather1

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Chapter 2
Bedtime Stories with Gracie Anne 2

Heather O'Malley

Kim Possible is owned by the Disney Corporation and they have no connection to this what so ever. These characters are used without their permission and include a plea not to be sued as I have no money.

Shego finished toweling off her daughter now that she was out of the tub. How Grace had managed to get this dirty all the time was a mystery all on its own. Once done, she wrapped her up in the big towel and carried her into her bedroom, nuzzling her some to make the little girl giggle. One set of pajamas later, Shego was carefully brushing her daughter's hair out, trying to keep from pulling on the tangles.

"Bedtime story?" asked Grace, looking hopefully at her mother.

Shego nodded and tucked her daughter in. Since she wasn't keen on the books she would rather make something up. However, Grace had gotten all into Where the Wild things Are lately. "Okay. Let me see... what do you want to hear?"

"Can I has Big Blue Dork story?" Grace was all wide eyed with anticipation. So much for Wild Things.

"Sure you can. I'll bring you your sippy cup of water after the story, okay?" asked Shego, as she brushed some hair out of her daughter's face, tapping the girl's nose softly. "Now, what do you want to hear, the story of the Big Blue Dork and the Nacos or the Big Blue Dork and the Magic Sword?"

"Ooh... can I hear the Magic Sword one?" asked Grace, all excited over the prospect.

Shego smiled, now this was something she could do. Talking about her adventures with Dr. D as bedtime stories only showed how much of an idiot he had been. She had no regrets with having left him. "Sure thing Muffin. Now, where were we... oh, yes. The Big Blue Dork and his lovely assistant Green Girl, they were standing around their underwater lair, getting dripped on because it was leaky."

Grace giggled at this, "That silly Mommy."

"It really was, there were buckets everywhere to catch the water, and the Big Blue Dork was wearing a yellow rain poncho with the hood up as he kept standing dripping areas for some strange reason. Now, the Big Blue Dork had this plan to vacuum the ocean floor to pull out various minerals and stuff, which was really kind of silly. Well, there was a clunk and it seemed like they had picked something up."

"What was it?" asked Grace, a look of confusion on her face.

"I'm getting there Muffin. Hold your horses. Now the Big Blue Idiot decided that they needed to dump the dirt out so they could see what was in there. Well, for some stupid reason the Idiot stood under the dump spot and got buried in all this ocean dirt."

Naturally, Shego's daughter found this as amusing as she had at the time. "What happened then Mommy?"

"Well... they had to vacuum up the dirt that was all over the Big Blue Idiot and when they did they found a huge treasure chest standing next to him."

"A treasure chest?" Grace's green eyes got really huge at that. Treasure was a cool thing.

"Yeah. But Green Girl wasn't sure it was safe as she felt danger from it. She could sense it was evil and told him that he shouldn't open it. Well, the Big Blue Idiot didn't care about what she said and he opened the chest. It was filled with shiny gold coins and they almost glowed in the light of the leaky underwater lair. What the chest also held was the spirit of an evil pirate, Arrrrr..." Shego crooked one finger, closed one eye, and leaned over her daughter when she said that. Grace giggled.

"Well, while Green Girl was busy finding someone to buy the treasure chest, the Big Blue Idiot decided that he needed to let out his inner Pirate for some reason. He dressed up in a purple pirate coat, with a purple hat and a big yellow feather. He had also glued on a mustache and a little beard on his chin like a goat to try and look more dashing." Drakken had looked like a total dork in that outfit and the memory brought a smile to her face.

Grace goggled. Blue and Purple? Why had she never tried that? That would be awesome!

"Well, the Blue Fox and Monkey Boy showed up and before a fight could ensue, Monkey Boy made a hole in the protective glass window and let in the ocean. The Big Blue Idiot ran away at that point, whining and crying and made Green Girl carry his treasure as they escaped. But that wasn't the end of things."

"It wasn't? But Blue Fox stopped them?" Grace sounded a bit upset at that, as if that wasn't the was the world worked.

"Nope, she didn't stop them Sweetie, just destroyed the lair. Don't worry, he get's stopped in the end. Now, when they escaped, the Big Blue Idiot with an evil Pirate spirit inside him called Green Girl a wench."

"What a wench?" asked Grace, looking a bit confused at the word she had never heard before.

Shego thought about the best way to put it. "It originally meant a young working girl, but now... well don't let anyone call you a wench."

Grace nodded along, trying to figure out what her Mommy meant. It was easy to agree to things she didn't understand.

"So there you have Green Girl helping them escape and somehow the Big Blue Idiot ended up with a parrot on his shoulder, which only helped him look more piratical. Well, the ghost of a long dead pirate filled the Big Blue Idiot and he wanted to raid a lighthouse so he could find his magic sword. Oooooooo..."

"Oooooooo..." Grace followed along and then giggled.

"Well, once he got his magic sword from the lighthouse, The Big Blue idiot summoned his Eeeeevil pirate ship from the deep. The crew decided to attack the village that was near by and the Blue Fox, along with Monkey Boy took another ship and gave chase. The Blue Fox swung over to the ship and started fighting the pirates."

"Yay!" Grace loved the Blue Fox, since she was the hero of the stories. For some reason she was picturing the Blue Fox looking like her Momma.

"The Big Blue Idiot attacked the Blue Fox and was losing, as he wasn't the best fighter. Well, he knocked her back with the power of the magic sword and the Green Girl wasn't happy with that. She loved fighting the Blue Fox and now the Big Blue Idiot was in the way. Green Girl smacked the Big Blue Idiot and got the Magic Sword, but before she could do anything, the treasure chest and the Big Blue Idiot went overboard. The evil pirate Ghost that was inside the Big Blue idiot left and then the boat and everything disappeared in a puff of smoke. The Green Girl had to escape when that happened but she did save the Big Blue Idiot from the Blue Fox, who had jumped overboard to save him. They raced off into the sunset with Green Girl yelling at the Big Blue Idiot."

Grace smiled and then gave a really big yawn. She snuggled deeper into her bed and closed her eyes. Shego kissed her daughter on the cheek, "Pleasant dreams Muffin."

"Night Mommy."

"Night Gracie." Shego left her daughter's bedroom and spotted Kim leaning against the outside wall, just out of sight of the room, grinning at her.

Kim chuckled and said, "I remember that happening. It was totally screwed up. Mr. Barkin and his weird ideas for the Junior trip."

"I bet you did. You know, you looked pretty cute in that pirate get up." said Shego.

"You know I still have that outfit." replied Kim, raising an eyebrow suggestively.

Shego pulled Kim into a hug and growled out, "Arrrrrr... Avast ye scurvy dog."

"Come wench." Kim pulled her wife towards their bedroom. "Time to pillage yer booty. Prepare to be boarded!"

Abby groaned and yelled at them from the living room, "Get a room!"

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