On Board, Baby 7

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Chapter 7: It Ain't Easy Being Green

Monkey Fist was so busy laughing maniacally that he almost didn't hear the familiar sound. But he'd been around Shego long enough to know what it sounded like when she discharged plasma, and it only took him an instant to react.

He'd dropped to the floor well before the twin beams could take his head off, and his tail snaked around Amy's legs and yanked, pulling her down as the beams slammed into space that her head had just occupied.

Shego was still imprisoned, but now he saw his error. Her eyes were giving off the same green and black energy that her hands usually did. How she could still see, he didn't know, but she obviously could. The next pair of beams sailed just over his left shoulder, singing the fur there.

"Amy, take cover!" Monkey Fist shouted, springing into the air to draw Shego's fire.

Shego blinked, and two more beams flew from her eyes, just missing his tail.

Monkey Fist ran along the wall, dodging Shego's blasts as best he could while staying away from the vital machines. Just a few more feet and he could knock her out again.

But Shego suddenly turned her head, and he realized he'd made another mistake.

Amy was slowly crawling to a row of computer consoles, but she was still all too vulnerable.

A wicked grin framed Shego's face as she fired again.

Having little choice, Monkey Fist, pushed off from the wall and took the two beams in his left shoulder, howling in pain as he hit the floor.

"So you do have a heart under all that hair," Shego murmured in an amused tone. "Almost makes me feel bad about having to take you out. But you just couldn't leave Kimmie alone, could you? What, being fixated on the sidekick wasn't enough for you? You got too damn greedy, Fist. And you know what happens to bad little monkeys whose eyes are too big for their stomachs, don't you?" Her eyes blazed even brighter. "They get full and explode!"

Monkey Fist darted aside as two more beams slammed into the floor under his feet, bounding across the lab to land on the containment pod. With a mad look in his eyes, he drove a fist into the pod, grimacing as the glass tore gashes open in his arm. He drew his arm back enough to reveal he was holding a lock of red hair. "One more attack and I'll snap both their necks!" he threatened.

The energy clouds around Shego's eyes winked out at once.

"So. You do care. Interesting...but far too late." Monkey Fist grinned at her. "You've proven far too untrustworthy and dangerous to keep around, Shego. I'll have no choice but to kill you. But you'll suffer first. Oh, you'll suffer greatly, indeed."

Shego smiled darkly. "Speaking of suffering, got a joke for you, Fist. What's green, black, furry, and dead?"

"I never was one for jokes," he replied, glaring at her.

"Give up? A monkey man trapped in ion gas. Which I've been emitting through my pores since I came to. And guess where most of it ended up?"

Monkey Fist's eyes widened in fear. "You wouldn't dare. I have the child!"

Shego laughed. "See, I've had my powers a bit longer than you, and I've got this whole precise control thing down. The gas don't go where I don't want it to. So the only one that needs to worry about crashing and burning is you. Which gives you until the count of ten to put Kimmie down. One..."

Monkey Fist swallowed and withdrew his hand from the pod.


"NO!" he screamed, even as his body burst into emerald flames. He tried to beat them out, shrieking and slapping at his fur, even as his paw-like hands began to blister and smoke.

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