In the Middle by StarvingLunatic 21

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21: Wednesday

Shego stared at the house phone as if she was trying to will it to do something. It was not ringing, just sitting there, much like Shego herself was. She continued to stare at the object while silence blanketed the apartment. She was the only one there. It was just her and the phone.

She leaned forward from her space on the sofa. It looked like she was going to reach for the phone, but she only leaned on her knees. She rested her elbows on her knees and rested her chin on her hands, eyeing the phone like she expected it to do something. The phone seemed to disappoint her by just... sitting there. Damn inanimate, unintelligent, non-psychic objects.

Shego knew she did not have a lot of time to sit there and contemplate the secrets of the universe, much as she would have liked to. She had to go downstairs in less than an hour, as she did have classes to teach, after all. She hoped Kim and Yori got in a good workout without her since she was planning on taking it to them twice as hard as usual during their lunch break.

She could have sparred with the pair that morning if she could just use the telephone like she was supposed to. It was just a mentally difficult call to make. She had promised, though. She had made a promise to her two loves and she needed to make the call.

"Fuck it," she grumbled as she snatched up the phone.

It really did not take that much physical effort to make the call that she needed to. All she had to do was push a button. But, that simple task took much more willpower than anything else she would probably do that month, in her opinion anyway. She did not take into account that the day was quite young.

Shego hit the one button quickly, as if she was trying to make sure that she did not chicken out. She put the phone to her ear, waiting for a familiar voice... one she repeated in her mind, she did not want to hear.

"Hello, is this my cranky child or one of her adorable mates?" Isabel asked as she answered the phone.

"Mommy," Shego grunted. She took a deep breath to keep herself from blowing up on her mother.

"Ah, my cranky child. It's rare that you call, so you must need or want something," Isabel commented. It was clear from her voice she had a teasing smile on her face.

A deep frown marred Shego's features. "To hell with you, Mommy."

"You're upset over the truth? Of course you are."

"Mommy," Shego growled.

"To what do I owe the pleasure? Maybe you would like to fill me on how you spent your anniversary that you didn't bother to tell your goddamn mother about," Isabel stated in a huff. She was genuinely pissed Shego had said nothing to her about the trio's anniversary a few days ago, even though she expected her daughter to keep such a thing quiet. That was how Shego was, after all. Still, she was quite pissed, as she wanted to be a part of her children's lives, after all.

"What the fuck? How did you know about it?" Shego demanded with a scowl. How the hell does she get this information? Does she have me bugged or something? She would not put it passed her mother.

"Doesn't matter how the hell I know about it. I know about it and I also know that you didn't bother to tell me. What the hell is that about?" Isabel countered.

"The fuck? I don't need to tell you about every little detail of my fucking life. I'm a grown ass woman. Besides, you would've just sent a bullshit gift anyway. Kimmie and Bonnie don't need you trying to spoil them with big, expensive gifts," Shego stated.

"I can spoil whoever the fuck I feel like," Isabel said. She had her answer, though. Shego had not said anything because she did not want anyone showering her lovers with expensive gifts. That was Shego's job. Isabel could respect that.

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