In the Middle by StarvingLunatic 20

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20: Twilight

"Cali, will you stop fucking whining!" Shego commanded, screaming into the living room from the game room. She was pretty sure there was nothing more annoying than a cat-girl throwing a temper tantrum.

Cali hissed and made a face, baring her teeth like she would in her cat form, except she was not in her cat form. She was on the sofa, something she would not have minded if she were able to change forms. She was stuck in her human form and quite pissed about it, which led to a lot of crying about it on her part.

She heeded Shego's order, though, closing her mouth. Shego gave out no sympathy when Cali was in her human form and Shego knew just what to do to bother Cali without hurting her. The fact that Shego was not very kind to her like this was now one of the many reasons Cali disliked this form.

The humanoid feline quieted down and turned her attention to the current bane of her existence. She glared at the stitches on both of her arms. If she did not have the stitches in, she would be able to change into her real form. Damn stitches!

"Don't pick at the stitches!" Bonnie barked as she walked by the living room and happened to glance in. She saw the cat-girl coming dangerously close to the stitches in her right arm.

"Cali, do I need to get the goddamn water bottle?" Shego demanded. That damn cat is going to do herself more harm than ever just from lying on the damn couch!

Panicked hissing echoed through the house and answered Shego's question. Apparently, Cali did not want her to get the water bottle. Cali disliking being squirted with water sort of tickled Shego and helped her accept that Cali was way more cat than girl.

"I thought so," Shego said, just to scare Cali a little more and make sure she stayed away from those stitches and bandages.

Cali huffed and turned her attention back to the television, which was on. She did not get the damn thing, even after living with her humans and also being stuck in front of the thing since she got injured a few days ago. Were those people trapped in the box or what? And if they were trapped, well, then why the hell were they not trying to get out? Why were they all trying to sleep with each other?

Cali actually had no problem asking those questions whenever one of her humans was close enough. It was her questioning that got the TV left on the soap opera channel because these actually got the least amount of questions from the cat-girl. The first night, Kim made the mistake of putting on an animal show for Cali, thinking she would like to see wild life, and she was right. Cali got excited and tried to jump into the screen. Once they got her calmed down from trying to murder the television, they had to listen to at least a trillion – by Shego's count, anyway – questions about the freaking animals on the TV. For the sake of their sanity, a new show had to be found.

It was touch-and-go with the new shows. Cali went nuts when cartoons came on, not understanding that real world physics did not apply to the shows. So, she kept trying to make sense of them, which hurt everyone's heads. To make matters worse, she liked singing along with the themes. Now, never having watched the shows, but thanks to Cali, Bonnie knew for a fact that if she ever met the creators of SpongeBob Sqaurepants and the Fairly Odd Parents, she would slay them.

Comedy shows were a waste on Cali. She did not get the jokes. Dramas were lost on her because she did not get the tension. Really, the only thing that Cali understood on TV was when characters were very sad or very happy. Anything other than that meant questions had to be asked. Soap operas seemed to confuse Cali enough that her brain could not think of enough questions or how to phrase them, so her owners were saved the headache while the cat was perplexed beyond reason.

"Lunch," Kim said to the cat-girl as she seemed to just appear in the living room as far as Cali was concerned.

Cali grinned. Lunch, it was her second favorite time of the day! Breakfast was, of course, the first and dinner was the third. Snack time carried decimal points in her favorites columns.

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