44) Tangled Up in Green by Poetheather1

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Chapter 44: Surf and Sky
Tangled Up In Green

Heather O'Malley

Kim Possible is owned by the Disney Corporation and they have no connection to this what so ever. These characters are used without their permission and include a plea not to be sued as I have no money.

Surf and Sky

Shego woke up with her head resting comfortably on her wife's breasts, one hand resting gently on her belly. Kim rarely slept on her back anymore so this was a special treat in her opinion. While she enjoyed spooning with her wife, she did love to lie there with her head on the comfy breasts. She just lay there, blissfully, her body still trembling some from last night. God, Kimmie's whole hand had been inside her. She shuddered happily in memory. It had been so amazingly intense and she lay there wondering when her love had thought to do something like that to her? She smiled softly, remembering the sensations.

That had been lovely. Kim had certainly come up with something incredible for her that was for sure. Sex had never been that intense for her, that overpowering with anyone she had ever been with. God her wife was amazing. It certainly looked like the red head could do anything and that thought made her smile. Maybe she needed to get up and make some breakfast for the two of them to recharge their energy after last nights exertions? The idea sounded good but her body really didn't want to comply. She really did just want to lie there all day if necessary.

Kim murmured good morning and struggled upright, bleary eyed. The two women shared a kiss and the red head padded to the bathroom. Shego waited her turn and then headed downstairs to get the food ready, wanting to make something special for her love. She first focused on the coffee, which she added cinnamon directly to the grounds in order to play with the flavor a bit. If she was going to manage to do some decent cooking she needed to caffeinate herself to ensure she had the energy to do this.

She then got out some eggs, onion, green pepper, cilantro, queso blanco and some of the fresh salsa that she had asked for. She prepped the vegetables first, making sure she had enough for the two of them and that the pieces weren't too small or too large. By then she was able to enjoy her first cup of java, the aroma perking her up. Once done with her first cup and partway into her second, she quickly cooked the vegetables up in the pan, to bring out the flavor more. Once the prep work was done it was time to make the food.

By the time Shego had finished cooking the huevos rancheros Kim had made it downstairs after having showered to help wake her up. Sun filled the living room and dining room from the western view. It was a lovely sight to come downstairs to. A wonderful aroma was in the air and it wasn't just the coffee. "What did you make?"

"Something tasty. Now get over here Princess. Got to replenish your strength."

Kim smiled at her wife and joined her at the table looking forward to more tasty food. The fresh squeezed orange juice went really well with everything and Kim certainly appreciated it. There was little conversation once they got down to eating as they were both enjoying the flavor. Kim had never had omelets like this before and found that she really liked them. The mix of egg, cheese and spicy was just really good. She wouldn't complain about having this for breakfast more often.

When their plates had been cleaned and the two of them were just sitting there drinking their juice, Kim grinned happily and asked, "So, what's the plan for today Eme?"

"I figured that we could go down to our private beach for a while, have some lunch and then off to the airport to head out to our next destination Princess."

"Where is it?" asked Kim, hoping that she might have some better luck this time.

"It's a surprise. Trust me, you'll love it." replied Shego, quite sure that her wife would enjoy the trip. After all she had spent plenty of time working the details of this trip out in order to ensure that everything went off perfectly.

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