10) Tangled Up in Green by Poetheather1

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Chapter 10: Punk Italian Lederhosen
Tangled Up In Green

Heather O'Malley

Kim Possible is owned by the Disney Corporation and they have no connection to this what so ever. These characters are used without their permission and include a plea not to be sued as I have no money.

Punk Italian Lederhosen

"Lederhosen, lederhosen, lederhosen, lederhosen..." mumbled Ron, clutching his legs and trembling, his eyes darting wildly. Rufus looked at his owner worriedly.

Kim looked over at the blonde and smiled a little at her gibbering friend. "Looks like Professor Dementor managed to break poor Ron a little."

Shego smirked, "Well, that was one of the most heinous outfits the idiot has ever worn. And to have his henchmen dressed in those as well. That was even more evil than spiking beer in Germany."

Kim chuckled. "Yeah. That was pretty bad. I think the local police are going to make their displeasure known."

The two smiled at each other warmly. Shego came over to where Kim was sitting and looked at her worriedly, sitting down and taking a hand. "Are you sure that you're okay Princess?"

The red head rolled her eyes. It was bad enough when her mother mothered her like this but Shego... "Yes Eme, I'm fine. Only one henchman got close to me and I only took a hit to the upper back. I just stumbled a little. You've hit me harder than that since this had happened so I wasn't stressed. It wouldn't have caused any damage to our girl."

The two women both rubbed Kimmie's belly protectively and grinned proudly at each other. The warmth between them was almost visible at that moment and they didn't want it any other way. Shego leaned forward and kissed her wife on the forehead. "I love you Kimmie."

"I love you too Shego. Now let's get Ron home and in bed and maybe the two of us can head off to get some dinner." The dark haired woman nodded at that. Getting something to eat would be a good thing, and definitely no German food. It wasn't that she hated it but after having been attacked with bratwurst she just couldn't handle eating anything like that for a few days, weeks, months even. Dementor was a fucking idiot.

"Let me call and see if I can get us some reservations someplace." said Shego, reaching for her cellphone.

"How about we just go to like Macaroni Grill or Olive Garden or something. Nice-ish Italian with very little wait time. I don't think we need anything fancy right now. I just want to eat and be with you." Kim shrugged. She was just hungry and could care less about fancy; it was the company that mattered to her after all.

"Okay. I can do that, if that's what you want. I usually like going to something a bit more upscale, as the quality of the food is better but, it's your call Princess." said Shego agreeably. Basic Italian food would be nice and she could get something that really wasn't all that heavy. After all, a nice chicken dish with some pasta and she should be able to refill her energy stores and Kim needed to eat enough for her metabolism plus their daughter. This should hopefully solve both food needs.

Kim looked happy that there was a plan in place and they really wouldn't have to change or anything in order to accomplish it. She was ravenous at this point, thanks to the exertion and the travel time. Her nausea was better now than it had been during the first few weeks of her pregnancy, but it was still there. However, pasta should be simple enough that her stomach would be able to cope with it so long as she didn't go for anything too spicy. That was her hope anyway. Besides, she was having a hankering for spaghetti and meatballs right now, and that was fine by her. She could almost taste the food and her mouth was watering in preparation.

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