39) Tangled Up in Green by Poetheather1

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Chapter 39: Robots are all the Rage
Tangled Up In Green

Heather O'Malley

Kim Possible is owned by the Disney Corporation and they have no connection to this what so ever. These characters are used without their permission and include a plea not to be sued as I have no money.

Robots are all the Rage

Once the popcorn had been made and seasoned they way each of them liked it, the three ladies found their usual places on the couch and sat back to watch the film. They were getting ready to watch Wall-E, some sort of Pixar film that they had gotten at Disney. They were all looking forward to it as none of them had seen it, having had crazy busy summers but they had all heard rave reviews of the film. Something animated and happy would be good for them especially after the events of Florida. They wanted nothing but happiness right now. Breaks were good after all.

They started the film and had a great time watching it while munching away on the popcorn and drinking sodas. Shego seemed to love Wall-E more than the others and was impressed with the character, especially his attitude of never giving up. Kim loved Eve, stating that she was 'just like Shego', which was said when Eve just blasted something for the slightest reason. Shego tickled Kimmie for that. Abby thought Moe and the Cockroach were totally awesome, which only got her stared at, though the couple had to agree that Moe was cute in a completely OCD sort of way. They watched the shorts afterwards and laughed at the poor misadventures of Burn-e, the repair robot. They had to feel really sorry for him.

Once it was over and the empty bowls had been taken back into the kitchen, they started chatting about the movie, various environmental issues and if there was anything they could do to help fix things. Shego kept insisting that if they managed to get Drakken's head out of his ass, he actually might be of some use in that area. After Kim thought about it for a while she had to agree that Dorky Smurf might just be able to do something about the problem. He was a brilliant scientist once you got past the whole obsessive world conquering thing.

Kim also had to admit that it had been a concern before but was becoming even more of one now that she was pregnant. She wanted to make sure that their daughter had all the world she needed for her own adventures and that the wonders of the world would be around for her daughter's daughter as well. Too many things threatened that and she was a bit surprised about how worked up over this she was getting. She wanted to smack some people around on some of these things and it was not what she was used to. She needed to change her train of thoughts or she might get herself in trouble somehow.

"Shego...we need to think of something to do the Muffin's room in."

"We can always go with a pastry theme." tossed back Shego, amused by the question, especially since it was so disconnected to everything else.

"I was thinking Wall-E." said Kim with a smile.

Shego pondered this. "That might be cool. But I don't think there is anything out there for this right now."

"We can make our own." replied Kim cheerfully.

"Kim, neither of us has any clue how to do that kind of art and I don't know if we know anyone who does. I suppose I can do some sort appliqué quilt for her but outside of that...can't help much." It was hard for Shego to admit that she didn't have a particular skill; it sort of galled her that she couldn't actually do everything, but it would have been worse pretending she had such skill and failing her child. She wanted nothing but the best for their Muffin. "Oh...hey...what if we name her Eve?"

"Eve...like in Evelyn? Eve Anne Possible? Sounds a bit off but not too bad. I'll add it to the list though. Oh, I added Grace Anne earlier."

"Grace is a nice name, but it's certainly no Elphaba Zenobia that's for sure."

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