Humanities and Sciences by StarvingLunatic 13

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13: History of Western Civilization 211 — How to Let Go of the Past for the Future's Sake

Kim watched her class as they went through some exercises. She could not help thinking about the Moms, and their push for grandchildren. She looked at her students and imagined one of them belonging to her and her wives. It was very easy to picture. A smile settled on her face before she even realized.

"Maybe they were onto something," Kim quietly considered.

She liked working with her students and her students liked her. She could patiently deal with a lot of things that only kindergarten teachers could relate to and she did not mind. At the end of the day, she silently admitted, she could see herself walking upstairs, hand in hand, with a little person of her very own. Well, of her, Bonnie, and Shego's very own. The thought made a warm feeling settle in her body and washed over her soul.

Of course, she did have to consider such a child would be subjected to a very strange family life. To have three mothers alone would be far from normal, but to also live somewhere with a cat that turned into a cat-girl might be too much. She doubted a child would be able to keep Cali a secret and might not be able to understand why people would be off-put by the fact that the child had three mothers. While it did not bother her, she imagined a small child having to deal with that in school might be too much.

"I think I need to talk with Shego and Bonnie about this eventually," Kim muttered before refocusing on her class.


Bonnie was supposed to be working, but found herself distracted by thoughts from her birthday party. She hated that she was thinking about Isabel's desire for grandchildren. She had never discussed it with her spouses, not even when it was just her and Kim, but she would like to have kids.

It was no secret that she had a horrible childhood. Her siblings had been cruel and hateful. Her father had been indifferent or mean. Her mother had tried to smother her with attention, but had ignored how her siblings had treated her. She had hated being home, hated being herself for so long, and had treated other people terribly because that was all she knew. She wanted a chance to do better. She was certain she could do that with Kim and Shego.

She thought it was funny that when Shego first came along, she figured she would have to leave that dream behind. She had doubts about Shego since the woman had been a villain and had tried to hurt Kim in the past. She thought there was no way that such a woman could be a good mother. And then she met Isabel; it was like seeing Shego twenty years in the future. Isabel was weird and her relationship with Shego was odd, but she definitely seemed to be a good mother.

She believed Shego would be like Isabel. If they had a boy, Shego would probably shine as a parent. If they had a daughter, there was a big chance that Shego would have the same relationship with their little girl as she had with her own mother. They would argue and fight, but Shego would love the little girl with all of her heart and do everything in her power to keep her safe and happy.

She wondered if their parenting styles would clash. She sometimes feared she would turn into one of her parents if she had a child. But, the fact that it scared the crap out of her let her know she would not become her parents. She would stop herself if she did and, if she did not, Kim would definitely bring her back from the brink of disaster. Good people who would stop her from doing anything terrible if she could not stop herself surrounded her.

"I wonder what type of child we would raise together," Bonnie wondered aloud. "Wait, would we be able to raise a child together? I mean, three parents might be too much. Two parents often argue or clash and kids sometimes turn them against each other or try to be sly with each parent. Can we do this with three people?"

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