5) Tangled Up in Green by Poetheather1

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Chapter 5: Marital Mayhem
Tangled Up In Green

Heather O'Malley

Kim Possible is owned by the Disney Corporation and have no connection to this what so ever. This is used without their permission and includes a plea not to be sued as I have no money.

Marital Mayhem

"I now pronounce you both married. You may kiss your bride."

Shego and Kim blushed when they looked at each other and leaned in towards each other, unsure about this. Shego reached out and pulled the red head closer, unwilling to let this get any more uncomfortable and their lips touched. It was awkward at first but then things softened and both women closed their eyes and just felt the kiss, both surprised by what was running through them. Shego felt her heart race and she felt ecstatic, as if something important had been achieved and the world only contained the two of them.

When they pulled apart, they were both looking each other in the other's green eyes a bit dazed by the experience. Both of their eyes sparkled in a way that they hadn't when this ceremony had started. They grinned shyly at each other, not sure what to say or do, but unwilling to let physical contact break between them. The hug turned into holding hands as things ended and it was time to leave.

Once the paperwork was signed and turned in to the Clerk, James and Anne led the girls out of the courthouse. Both of the young women had stunned expressions on their faces, with a bit of pleasure on them as well, which had the elders smirking. It was clear to both of them that neither girl had expected their bluffs to be called but neither was really complaining about it now.

"So, I'm Mrs. Possible now?" whispered Shego, stunned by that reality.

Kim looked over and smiled softly at the green girl who had actually gone through with it, tightening the grip on her hand. "Yeah. Shego Possible."

"Better than my name from before." muttered Shego.

"Oh...what was your name then?" asked Kim, aware that she had married a virtual stranger and her maybe ex-nemesis. She really knew nothing about Shego's life before Drakken, except for a little of her time with her brothers in Team Go. It didn't seem as if this really was a good place to start a relationship, but then again, their relationship didn't start here but rather in combat.

"Uh..." She had been unaware that the teen would have been able to hear her. She squirmed a bit, as she wasn't sure what to do, as her life had gone into a free fall since she had discovered Drakken's stupid plan weeks ago. Her name had not been a source of anything but pain to her and she was unsure if she wanted to share that with the hero. However, she was married to the teen so she tensed, ready for anything and said. "Shelly Josephine Goodwin."

"Really? Shelly?" Kim was flabbergasted. Shego had a real name? It seemed so bizarre in a way, especially since it was so very normal. But Shego looked nothing like a Shelly. Could that really be her name?

"Yes, that was my name. Look, could we just drop it? I hate that name. All it ever brought me was teasing and grief." Kim could see a bit of a green glow forming around the girl's hands and it was quite clear that she was serious.

"Okay, Shego, okay." Kim was trying to keep the peace; sure that Shego was near the breaking point, from being civil and mostly polite since she had arrived last night. And if the name issue was this big of a button, calming the woman down was a good thing. Besides, she wasn't wearing her gloves that made taking the plasma easier.

"Shego, Kim come on. We need to get home." chided Dr. Mrs. Possible.

The two young women hustled to catch up with Kim's parents, aware that the day's madness had just begun for them and they did not want to let this steamroller run them over. Their lives were plenty messed up already and this just added another complication.

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