55) Tangled Up in Green by Poetheather1

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Chapter 55: Dancing Queen
Tangled Up In Green

Heather O'Malley

Kim Possible is owned by the Disney Corporation and they have no connection to this what so ever. These characters are used without their permission and include a plea not to be sued as I have no money.

Dancing Queen

The radio was playing an old Bob Dylan song when Shego woke up that morning. She half listened to the lyrics as she blinked herself into a sitting position, trying to get more awake than she already was, which wasn't much. The lyrics just sort of rolled over her.

Early one morning the sun was shining

I was laying in bed

Wondering if she changed at all,

If her hair was still red.

Her folks put our lives together

Sure was going to be rough...

Shego yawned and stretched, reaching for the ceiling. She needed to get everything ready for the Prom tonight and for their trip if she wanted to actually be able to pick Kimmie up on time for dinner. The Hoverpod was all ready and she had her bags packed, as well as Kimmie's. Things were going to be great and this would be a great experience for both of them.

Shego recalled her own Prom and the memories of how much that one had sucked were fueling her desire to make this wonderful. She had gone alone and had basically been ignored the whole time she had been there. She had been the green freak and that hadn't helped her social life any.

She had even gotten things set up nice and special at La Terraza Verde, where they were going to be staying for the weekend. The two of them were going to be putting a hell of a lot of money into that economy with everything she had arranged and she was fine with that. No one really complained about more money.

They would basically want for nothing while they were there and the kitchen was fully stocked. There was even a little surprise being set up on the terrace for this evening. Shego was looking forward to it and could hardly wait. Two days was all she figured that they could stand to be apart from their kid and Baja Mexico was pretty close all things considered. Maybe when Grace was a bit older they could head off on a vacation/ honeymoon. It might be much more workable at that point.

Kim was in the process of getting back into shape after giving birth and she was about half way there from what Shego had been seeing. Once you added in sun and fun in the ocean and Kim should be in better shape before they came back. That and both of them were looking forward to having sex again. Kim still seemed a bit dazed about how hard she had fallen for Shego and the green skinned woman was quite alright with that. Shego was so stupid happy about her life now that part of her was waiting for the other shoe to drop or something.

These last three days had been fairly hard on her, harder than she had expected. She was utterly missing Grace and had broken into the Possible home several times to hug and kiss her daughter. It was dorky to be sure, but she missed the little girl who completely filled her heart. Abby had caught her once, which was embarrassing, but then again singing a lullaby had to have been caught by someone with the baby monitors they used. Grace had enjoyed it so that was really all that mattered in her mind.

However, now she had to get ready for the dance rather than dwell on her daughter. She had gotten this lovely black dress made of midnight black silk with little sequins on it that sparkled like stars, a few in actual constellations. It was an off the shoulder number with a great deal of slink to it and it clung to her in all the right places. She really appreciated that in a dress. The shoes had been fun to find as well, but she had managed to get some heels that were the right size and look. The whole thing should look awesome once she had everything on. The fact that she had spent the money to get some new lingerie for this was going to help as well. She was hoping for a great deal of very happy making sex after the dance. She had managed to find a hoverpod in one of Dr. D's old lairs and she had confiscated it in the name of back pay and mental anguish. No one had been there to argue with her about it. The hoverpod had the stealth gear and everything, and was one she had tricked out a little. She was glad she had gotten it back.

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