On Board, Baby 4

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Chapter 4: Shego the Sitter

Shego had passed worried roughly ten minutes ago, and slightly concerned an hour before. Now, she was just extremely pissed. Which wasn't as bad as murderous rage, but dangerously close all the same.

There was no one at Kim's house, the sidekick was missing in action, and if she'd known where Wade lived, he'd have gotten a visit, too. All of which meant only two things to Shego.

First, and most importantly, someone was keeping Kim from her. Second, someone was keeping her out of the loop.

Shego was currently perched on top of Bueno Nacho, scowling to herself. She had been hoping to at least catch one of Kim's familiars here, but no such luck. No sidekick, no squeaky rat, no...no...what?

She was forgetting something, but she couldn't recall what, exactly. Perhaps Kim had another friend? That was likely, pretty girls like Kim generally had friends in excess, whether they wanted them or not.

Shego thought back to her last meaningful conversation with Kim. She wanted to focus on the kiss, but she quickly forced the dreamy smile off of her face and locked in on the words. Something about them meeting at a friend's house, because Shego had never been there...

Monique. That was who she'd mentioned. Not that Shego had any idea where she lived. There was still a way to find out, though, if her luck was any good this night.

Crossing her fingers, she dug a Kimmunicator out of her pocket. She could still hardly believe that Kim had slipped it on her without her noticing. And it was even harder to believe that Kim had claimed it was lost when anyone else asked. Shego had been warned only to use it as a last resort, since Wade could probably trace any calls made on it. But since it was Wade she'd be calling, it didn't matter that much.

It took several hails, but Wade finally answered. Shego could see right away that he hadn't gotten any sleep recently, and decided to make this quick.

"Why are you calling me and how did you get a Kimmunicator?" Wade asked at once.

"I wouldn't have to call you if people told me things," Shego snapped. "Like what happened to Kimmie after she got zapped?"

He attempted to blink away some of the fog around his brain. "Sorry about that. I've been working on trying to reverse the effects, and I never really stopped to take a break, so I didn't think to call you."

"Obviously," Shego snarled.

"Yikes. Kim is at Monique's."

"I need an address, smarty pants."

"Sending...done. Since she doesn't know you're coming, you might want to knock."

"And you might want to take a nap. If I find out you messed Kimmie up even further because you didn't get any sleep, you'll never have to worry about messing up again."

Wade stared at her. "Are you threatening me?"

"Yes. I'm threatening you." Shego hesitated. "...for Kimmie."

Wade blinked in confusion. "Oh. Well, that's okay, then. I guess."

"There we go, Kim. All nice and clean." Monique carefully dried Kim's hair with a towel. "Now let's see if we can keep you that way until your mom gets here."
Kim grinned and pointed behind her. "Go! Go go go!"

Monique frowned. "Kim, I asked you when we started if you had to go, and you said no."

"Go go go!" Kim insisted.

"Okay, fine. But we need to cut down your liquid intake if you're going to be leaking like this. Especially if you think you're going to share a bed with me again."

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