In the Middle by StarvingLunatic 14

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14: Donut Hole

"Where's Kimmie?" Bonnie asked Shego in a worried tone with an expression to match.

Shego was laid out on the sofa, one hand dangling off like she did not have a care in the world. Bonnie was still in her work clothes because she just got in from another long day at the firm. It was too quiet in her opinion for both of her lovers to be home and when she got to the living room, she figured she found out which one was missing.

"She went back to the museum," Shego answered as she picked herself up off of the sofa. She wore house-clothes, which consisted of a well-worn green tank top and black shorts. She took powerful strides over to Bonnie and greeted the lawyer properly with a deep kiss, which Bonnie eagerly returned.

Bonnie was breathless for a moment when she and Shego pulled apart. Shego held Bonnie close while the tanned beauty caught her breath. Bonnie did not object to the contact, having to fight the urge to sigh contently. She did not want to give Shego the ego boast of knowing that such innocent touching had a deep affect on her. Little did she know, but the former thief was well aware of what her touch did to both of her girlfriends.

"What was that for? You miss me?" Bonnie teased, her chest heaving some.

Shego scoffed. "Just bored. Kimmie ran out of here like her ass was on fire after we were done with classes and there's nothing on TV."

"She's looking for that cat again?" the lawyer asked in a low tone brought on by being short of breath.

Shego sighed, sounding quite annoyed, and waved her hand a bit as her answer. She turned away, heading back to the sofa. She did not verbally reply because Kim was not doing what she predicted the redhead would do in regards to that cat. She figured Kim would forget about the cat, but Kim had been going up to the museum for almost two weeks now to feed a stray cat. The thing was that the cat was not showing up anymore and Kim was not giving up in looking for the creature.

"Sweetie, I think we should've just let her have the cat," Bonnie said, still standing in the living room entrance. She was going to go take a shower before curling up on the sofa to watch her stories. She hoped Kim was back by then.

"We shouldn't give into her all the time! That's how we got stuck together, after all," Shego remarked with an amused smirk on her face as she flopped down onto the couch.

"Oh, but I like we're all together and I like spoiling her," Bonnie countered in a cutesy voice, which earned her a disturbed look from the older woman.

"Don't do that again," Shego commanded with a scowl. Her duchess was not supposed to be so completely and utterly girly and she never wanted to see or hear Bonnie do something like that again.

"What, this? But, I like spoiling our little princess!" Bonnie added clasping her hands together and a wide-eyed expression to go along with the cutesy, childish voice.

"Damn it, Duchess, cut it out!" Shego growled while making a tight fist, even though she did not look menacing. She was more pleading with the shorter female to stop.

"But, I do!" And to top things off, Bonnie dipped into her ballet training, standing on her toes and twirling around. She then had to dodge a throw pillow.

"Knock it off. That shit is scary," Shego said, holding another pillow just in case Bonnie wanted to continue to test her.

Bonnie chuckled a bit, walking away with a pleased smirk on her face as she went to take her shower. She was serious about spoiling Kim and wishing they just let Kim keep the cat when she was hinting toward it over two weeks ago. It was not that she changed her mind really on them being ready for pets, but she just did not like Kim out at night, traveling all the way to the museum just to feed a cat. She never liked Kim out at night on her own, but now it was worse.

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