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Chapter 5: Goosebumps

"All right, Pumpkin, bath time, you can think about it all later."

"But, I can't have a bath with all these bandages on," Kim stated.

"Well, Doy! It's wet wipes for now. If we have to move onto a proper sponge bath then we will, but let's start with the wipes."

Shego... giving me a sponge bath! No way! No how!

While Kim was trying to ignore the thoughts of Shego giving her a bath, Shego left the room. She soon returned with a cushioned footrest from the lounge, which she placed on the floor next to the bed.

"For now, we'll just sit you on this, so I can get you all cleaned up." She patted the footrest. "So, c'mon, clothes off, and then we'll get a few of those bandages off as well.

"Shego, there – is – no – way, I'm letting you bathe me," Kim growled, her eyes flaring with defiance.

"Kimmie, you stink, you haven't washed since coming home from your mission, so it's going to happen whether you like it or not. Now, get up and hop on the footrest so we can go have some lunch!" she said, her temper starting to rise.

"I said No! Shego." Kim put her back against the headboard of the bed, her hands clenching into fists, ready to defend.

"Pumpkin, you're acting like this was my idea, and it's not, it was your mom's." She reached out slowly and enclosed one of Kim's fists with her hand, gently squeezing. "Look, you don't have anything to feel embarrassed about. After yesterday, you really have nothing to hide, do you?"

"Shego," Kim whispered, dropping her head and blushing faintly at the memory. "I can... let me..." She realized that with the mention of her mom, she had already lost the argument, and all there was now, was the long slow fight until defeat.

"Now - Princess!"

"Shego," Kim pleaded, raising her head and looking at her.

Oh, damn, Shego thought as she found herself caught in Kim's gaze, and for the first time in years felt a faint flutter of ... indecision? What is it about those eyes that I can't say no to? Ah, fuck it, she silently fumed as she released Kim's hand, and stood back from the bed, trying to appear non-threatening. "All right, Kimmie, how about this? I'll do most of the cleaning, but you can leave your underwear on. Then I'll pop out and you can take them off and finish while I wait downstairs. I'm not letting you do the whole thing, mind you, as I don't want you putting too much of a strain on your injuries."

She gave in? Kim thought in amazement. Why? Oh who cares! She gingerly sat up and swung her feet over the edge of the bed. I can do this, anything's possible for a Possible. "All right, Shego, that sounds..." Oh god! Oh god! Oh god! "Reasonable, so let's do this." She slowly got to her feet, taking off her shirt and sweats with a little help from Shego, and then sitting down on the footrest. In no time, Shego had a trash can and a large box of wet wipes next to her.

"All right, Cupcake, let's get some of these bandages off you." She knelt in front of Kim and began to remove some of the wrappings covering her less serious wounds.

She's so gentle, Kim marveled as she watched her former arch-nemesis quietly and efficiently remove her bandages, revealing more of her bronzed skin and the many cuts and scrapes adorning her body. If someone a week ago had told me that I'd be sitting in my room half-naked with Shego, who was also looking after me, I'd have said they were crazy.

Shego was once again face to face with all the angry red wounds and bruises covering Kim's body. Geez, Princess, how are you even moving? This close, and with the sun shining in through the windows, she could also see the dozens of tiny white scars that also dotted Kim's body. How many of these have I caused? She shook her head to clear away the thoughts, focusing back on the task at hand.

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