Humanities and Sciences by StarvingLunatic 6

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6: Sociology 211 — How to Talk Unconventional Marriages and Family Units

Kim was stuck in her nest in the living room, still healing from her major accident. She was getting better by the day, but still unable to do much. Joss was still playing her nurse, which she did not mind. She had learned to appreciate the help, but was probably also more agreeable since she was visibly doing better.

"Kim, I'm going to the store. You want anything beyond the usual?" Joss called from the kitchen.

"I'm good," Kim replied.

"What about Cali? Should I get her something? Have you even seen Cali?" Joss stepped into the living room, scanning the area for the busybody feline.

"Try the closet or the bathroom. Actually, you know if she hears the door open, she'll come out if she's here," the older Possible pointed out, motioning to the front door. Cali could tell when it was that door instead of the many others in the apartment being opened.

Joss nodded, having learned how true that was. She went to the door and opened it. Barely a second later, Cali charged out of the closet. Joss had to laugh.

"There you are, little darling. I'm going shopping. You want anything special?" Joss inquired, leaning down to pet the feline briefly.

Cali changed into her human form and stared at Joss with big, begging eyes. "Can I come?"

Joss laughed and shook her head. "Sorry, cutie, but no pets at the supermarket. I'll get you something good."

Cali pouted and went back to her cat form. Joss left for the supermarket while Cali slinked away back to closet. Kim grabbed a book to read, but was distracted by the sound of the door opening. She thought Joss forgot something, but learned that was not the case.

"Hey, K. P, you home? Joss said you were and that you were awake, but you might've drifted off since she left," Ron called. He had keys to the house now, so that he could check on Kim just in case.

"I'm in the living room," Kim replied with a light laugh and was pleased she did not think of anything sarcastic or snotty to her friend. A few weeks ago, she would have had nothing but venomous words for such a question, but of course those would have all been in her mind. He knew all about her fake smile and false pleasantries. He was more than happy when she finally stopped doing that.

Ron appeared seconds life with Cali circling his feet. He sat down next to Kim's nest, adjusting a messenger bag he had. Cali jumped into his lap. He looked down at her, but he did not say anything to the cat. He put his hand up and Cali went about the task for petting herself, rubbing against his palm.

"So, what's up, Ron?" the hero inquired with a smile.

"Before I start, I invited Monique over, too. I want you both to help me pick out an engagement ring for Yori," Ron explained, practically bouncing in his seat.

Olive eyes went wide. "Engagement ring? You're going to propose to Yori?"

"You think it's too soon? It might be too soon, right? Is it too soon?" he begged with shining brown eyes, mouth drawn down into a pout.

Kim chuckled. "No, I don't think it's too soon. You've been with Yori longer than I've been with Shego. Hell, longer than I've been with Bonnie, too. But, the point is apparently quite a few people consider us married. So, it's not too soon for you."

"Now, you're making it sound like I'm late."

Huffing out of the side of her mouth, she decided to ignore that comment. "When's Mo coming?"

His brow wrinkled a little, as he looked around like he was searching for their missing friend. "She should've been here by now. But, she was coming from home instead of work, so it might take a while."

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