18) Tangled Up in Green by Poetheather1

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Chapter 18: Quilted Tubbing
Tangled Up In Green

Heather O'Malley

Kim Possible is owned by the Disney Corporation and they have no connection to this what so ever. These characters are used without their permission and include a plea not to be sued as I have no money.

Quilted Tubbing

Kim was happy to be home from school at last and soaking in their hot tub. She was surprised that Shego hadn't been home but the lure of the warm water drew her despite the somewhat cool air. She had changed quickly and had headed straight for their lagoon, as they were calling the pool area. Now she was just happy to let the aches and pains of her day fade, as she sipped some of the carbonated mineral water that she had started drinking to soothe her turbulent stomach, which Shego had started teasing her about, calling it stirring the batter. Her wife was a dork, Kim had decided. This was heavenly and Shego was the best wife ever for coming up with this, despite her dorkiness.

"Mind if I join you?" a familiar voice purred.

Kim turned to see her green skinned wife standing, posing there in a green and black bikini, smiling. Kim's eyes grew soft as she took in the sight of her beautiful wife. How had she not noticed this for all those years? She figured she must have been mental to miss how beautiful and amazing her wife was. "Please."

Shego slid into the water and sighed in contentment, taking the time to adjust one of the jets to pound against her back. A sigh of contentment slipped out. "Ah...that's lovely. You know, I might have done better against you if Drakken had spent some damn money on a hot tub."

"Please. It didn't matter what sort of things you had in your favor, you had Drakken. There was no way you could succeed with him involved." teased Kim.

The dark haired woman thought about that fact for a second and then grinned broadly, "Too true. The big blue buffoon was nothing but a hindrance. He occasionally got lucky but that was the exception rather than the rule."

"Well, when he did get things right he did a great job, like with those stupid mind control devices." grumbled Kim, remembering how horrible it had been trapped inside her own body. Shego had been trapped as well, which reminded her, "Oh...that reminds me, do you still have that apron?"

The question surprised Shego. It was almost a nonsequiter, almost. "The...the pink one?"

Kim only nodded in response, but her eyes twinkled with something playful that intrigued Shego. What was going through that convoluted brain of her's? She replied cautiously. "No. I burned it." The frown was clear, as any reminders of that humiliating time really grated on the green girl's nerves. "Why?"

"I just wanted to see you in it." said Kim, coyly. "Just the apron."

Shego blushed brightly at the image, which made Kim grin. Shego had no idea that Kim was such a perv but it wasn't like she didn't like it. Kim was imaginative and willing to try things which certainly had helped make their sex life enjoyable. She looked at Kim suggestively. "Well, I think I might just be able to get talked into that, if there would be some sort of benefit in it for me."

Kim fluttered her eyelashes at the pale green woman, pleased to see that she would be able to get her way on this. "I think I might be able to find something that might make you happy."

Shego smiled back at her wife, sliding through the water to pull up next to her and kissed the red head softly on the lips. "You know, most anything you do makes me happy."

Kim smiled a bit blissfully at that, smiling mostly to herself, as the statement made her feel all warm and fuzzy inside. "I love you."

Shego laughed and splashed water into the red head's face, knowing that the teen's guard was down. Kim spluttered a bit and splashed back. They kept this up for a while, giggling like school girls. The two called a truce before they ran out of water in the hot tub. Shego sat back again, letting her muscles relax. She had endured quite a day herself, which she would tell Pumpkin in a bit but there were more important things on her mind. "So Kimmie, any idea what you want to do for Halloween?"

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