14) Tangled Up in Green by Poetheather1

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Chapter 14: For Want of a Picture
Tangled Up In Green

Heather O'Malley

Kim Possible is owned by the Disney Corporation and they have no connection to this what so ever. These characters are used without their permission and include a plea not to be sued as I have no money.

For Want of a Picture

James wiped the coffee from his face with his napkin as Anne tittered lightly. Shego meanwhile sat there in shock, too stunned to say anything after that glorious spit take, her mind whirling.

Mom? Mom!? What the fuck?!

James started chuckling at the situation, amused that such an innocuous statement would have such a dramatic effect. He folded the paper and rose to his feet. "Guess I'm going to need a new shirt and tie."


"Shego? Are you okay?" asked Anne, a bit concerned for her daughter-in-law. She had meant the comment as something playful, not as something that might actually cause the young woman distress.



Mom? Was she okay with that? Could she call Anne that, knowing the connections she had to the word? She was going to be a mother herself soon, one as utterly unlike her own as was possible if she had anything to say about it. Could she accept that there could be differences in mothers though? Anne was nothing like her own mother and Shego really did like her. She was like Kim, only older and a bit more focused. It wasn't easy but maybe she could give this a try and if it didn't work, well...what would she actually loose? "Sorry...Mom...I guess I was a bit stunned by that. My...my own mother was not a good parent so I have some issues with the word."

Anne rested a hand on Shego's shoulder in understanding. While her own parents were decent she knew all to well that there were many who were not. That Shego had parents like that wasn't a surprise but was something she wanted to correct. "Shego, you're my daughter-in-law. I accept you for who you are and how you make my little bubble butt feel."

Shego snorted. "Bubble butt?"

Anne smiled, "What? You didn't think Kimmie cub was the only embarrassing thing we had to call her...right?"

"Well, I guess I did." Shego shrugged. That nickname was wonderful and again could be used well if she timed things right. "I really don't know much about her yet."

"Well, I do have the day off. Want to talk about things and I can show you Kim's baby pictures?" It was a peace offering and Anne figured that the pale green skinned woman would jump at the chance.

"Really? That sounds nice."

Kim knew something was up when she saw her mother sitting next to her wife and her father no where to be found. She narrowed her eyes in accusation and both faces looked at her with utter innocence which only served to make Kim even more paranoid. "What are you two planning?"

"Nothing...yet." replied Shego, in the same taunting tone she had used with Kim time and time again. "Why, should we?"

Kim grumbled as grabbed some breakfast and ate, still staring at the pair as if they would attack or do something else at any moment. When she left for school she was worried about what was really going on but no clues had been given and she was sure she would find out upon her return, which wasn't all that comforting. If only the two had said or done anything that could have given the teen hero a clue as to what diabolical plan the pair had been up to. It made her whole day difficult as she tried to think of something that could make them both look so...pleased.

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