26) Tangled Up in Green by Poetheather1

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Chapter 26: The Great Turkey Massacre
Tangled Up In Green

Heather O'Malley

Kim Possible is owned by the Disney Corporation and they have no connection to this what so ever. These characters are used without their permission and include a plea not to be sued as I have no money.

The Great Turkey Massacre

Shego was busy pacing back and forth in the living room nervously while she was waiting for Kim to finish getting dressed. Apparently the process was made more difficult because Kimmie's waist had almost disappeared and that distressed the red head. Shego thought her Princess looked fine but the teen hero was still having trouble accepting that she was getting larger, especially since the Muffin Pooch had gotten a bit more visible. Soon it would be undeniably there.

"Gah!" Shego rolled her eyes as Kimmie screamed in frustration again. Shego had suggested a nice comfortable dress to the girl, but the teen had wanted to wear pants. By now she should be on her second go round through her closet looking for something that fit and would be comfortable. It wasn't bad enough that she was dreading seeing her brothers for the first time since the whole Miss Go fiasco but to know that Pumpkin was going crazy as well didn't help. She really needed her Princess to be there for her today as a fight with her brothers could be detrimental to the health of the Possible's house.

Driving her head into the wall sounded more and more like a good idea, but before she could do that Kimmie came out of the bedroom in a nice comfortable dress. It was the one she had chosen for her but Shego kept her mouth shut, well aware that her Princess was not in any mood to be teased right now. She needed someone to support her not get mad at her before things started.

Shego headed into the kitchen and grabbed the green bean casserole that she had made for dinner while the teen got her coat. The insulated bag it had been placed in was keeping it warm, which was a good thing, as cold green bean casserole was just gross. Shego kissed her wife and the two of them left the house for the short trip to the other Possible residence. Though they were close enough to walk, Kim was getting cold easier lately.

Kim walked on into the house without knocking, which was normal and Shego took the food to the kitchen, where Anne was taking care of the last touches for the meal. It all smelled wonderful and the dark haired woma stood in the doorway enjoying the smells. She hadn't had a meal like this in...well almost forever. Shego hugged Anne after she put the bag down. "Happy Thanksgiving Mom."

"Happy Thanksgiving Shego. Just put that down over there could you. I need that spot for pie. Oh, and just to let you know your brothers are already here. The twins are with Jim and Tim upstairs and the rest are in the Den with James watching football."

Shego nodded, her heart suddenly racing a mile a minute and her mouth going dry. Kim walked past her and hugged her mother and the two of them repeated the greetings. Then Kim hugged her wife, helping the green skinned woman to calm down. It was not an easy task, especially knowing the history involved. "It'll be okay Eme. I'll be right beside you the whole time."

Shego swallowed, still trying to calm down. It was only her brothers, her dorky good for nothing brothers. But that didn't help as she hadn't really seen them since the whole Attitudeinator incident and who knew what was going through their minds. She knew she needed to do this even though she was resisting the urge to head back home already. She wasn't a big fan of backing down and was trying to steel herself for the coming drama.

Once Kimmie's hand was in hers, the two of them headed into the family room where basically everyone else was watching football with the volume up fairly high, so that the sounds of people crunching into each other was clear. Kim could tell Shego was afraid, though she was certain no one else could. Years of needing to read the subtle nuances of facial and body cues to more effectively fight her allowed Kim to notice the slightly clenched jaw, the slight tenseness of the eyes and the barely pursed lips. Shego was almost in combat mode and that wasn't a good way to start things off. Kim squeezed her hand three times and smiled at her wife, hoping that might do the trick of distracting her. Shego looked over at her and just saw acceptance and love shining out of those green eyes. She could do this. The two of them stepped in.

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