29) Tangled Up in Green by Poetheather1

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Chapter 29: The Mall Tricks
Tangled Up In Green

Heather O'Malley

Kim Possible is owned by the Disney Corporation and they have no connection to this what so ever. These characters are used without their permission and include a plea not to be sued as I have no money.

The Mall Tricks

It was getting closer to Christmas, only a few days away at this point and Shego was still missing a few key presents. Kim had helped her get things for everyone else, for which she was very thankful, but she was still at a loss over what to get for her wife. There were so many different things that Kimmie liked to do that Shego had no clue what she might really love. She was on a deadline and it meant she had to bring in the big guns.

"Hey SP!" The blonde walked up to her, smiling broadly like he almost always did.

"Ron, I need your help." It made her feel dirty just saying that, like she was weak for asking for help. She didn't like the feeling.

"Anything. What is it?"

"I can't figure out what to get Kimmie for Christmas." admitted Shego.

"Want some help?" offered Ron, not seeing this as a big issue. After all he had known Kim for like ever and had a pretty good idea what she would like.

Shego nodded rather than directly answering. It at least gave her the illusion of not asking for help. She wanted to think it was more dignified that way. It didn't help.

"Okay. Want to head to a mall? We should be able to find most anything we might need for her at one." said Ron.

The Kimmunicator went off loudly in its distinctive tones almost startling those two. Shego picked it up, glad to have a distraction. "What up Short Round?"

"There is a problem at the Mall of America. It seems there is a thief running around inside causing all sorts of havoc there and they called for our help. The cops haven't been able to do anything to stop her so it's up to you guys."

"Her?" Shego was intrigued about fighting another female thief. As long as they weren't trying to prove they were better than her it would be okay.

"Yeah. She is almost as limber and quick as Kim. That's why they called us. And with the size of the Mall they can't be everywhere at once. They have things mostly closed up and are awaiting you both." Explained Wade. "I have some video of her if you want to see it."

"Ride?" Almost as quick and limber as Kim? That might prove to be a fun distraction.

"Should be overhead in forty-five seconds. Enjoy."

A helicopter was heading their way, dropping a rope ladder. The two of them scrambled onto it and headed of on this new mission mostly looking forward to something that didn't involve Death Rays or plans to take over the world. This might prove to be a light evening for them and Shego highly approved. Once in the cabin Shego called Kim to let her know what was up and that she might be late. Kim wasn't overly pleased by that but knew that was how missions went sometimes. Once that was done Shego cracked her knuckles and smiled. Maybe this woman would be a decent fight, since she hadn't had one in a few months. That would be nice. And surely she would be able to find her Princess something at a mall that large. Right?


Kim was just relaxing at home, having just finished watching The Nightmare Before Christmas. It had been nice but now she wanted something to eat, as the Muffin demanded substance. She went into the kitchen and looked at the various things that Shego had fixed for her and were ready to be microwaved. She wasn't proud of the fact that she could do anything except cook, which made it a sore spot. Kim was trying to learn, but she had a Ron type flair for failing in this one area.

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