38) Tangled Up in Green by Poetheather1

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Chapter 38: On the Road Again
Tangled Up In Green

Heather O'Malley

Kim Possible is owned by the Disney Corporation and they have no connection to this what so ever. These characters are used without their permission and include a plea not to be sued as I have no money.

On the Road Again

Kim opened her eyes and smiled at the unfamiliar wall across from her. Shego was spooned up behind her, with one hand resting on her belly, her body warm in just the right way. It was a lovely feeling and something that Kim cherished about her wife. Eme was always warm against her. Last night had been wonderful, more than that magical. Since when had Shego known how to belly dance? That had been hot to a degree that still aroused her even in memory. And their lovemaking had been so soft and fulfilling that Kim still shuddered from it. She was sated in more ways than one. The former thief certainly knew how to make her feel good that was for sure.

She sat up, swinging her legs off the bed to help her get upright, one hand brushing some hair out of her face. She stood and stretched, the ache in her muscles was barely there now. It seemed like she had recovered from the damage of that fight for the most part. She still had some bruises on her body but thankfully the worst and most visible of them had already faded away. While she didn't heal as fast as Shego she still healed pretty fast. And thankfully the worst of the damage had been bruising. The cuts had healed faster than they had. She took care of morning business and started her stretching, yoga and tai chi, not wanting to drift any further out of shape than she already was. She felt large and she really didn't want to get too much larger, even though it was inevitable.

As Kim was getting towards the end of her tai chi form Shego padded up behind her, watching the red head move from one position to another liquidly. Her wife was amazing. "Want to do some push hands?"

"Sure." The two women squared off and rested their hands against each other, pausing a moment to center their breathing and focus their chi. Their hands began to weave back and forth, side to side and worked slowly to destabilize the other. This was not a contest of speed or strength rather but of centering and balance. That made it more difficult than regular sparring in a way, because it was asking for a different set of skills. The two women danced together, neither losing their balance for even a moment, circling each other. After a few minutes of that with no clear victor, the two just grinned, kissed and headed off to take a shower together, scrubbing each others backs and washing each others hair, one of the true pleasures of being a couple.

As they were drying off Kim looked over at Shego and asked a question that had been in the back of her mind since last night. "Eme, why did you learn belly dancing?"

"Well Princess, it started out as a way to help with my thieving skills. Belly dancing is all about moving isolated body parts, often in different ways. Due to some of the security systems I had to circumvent, being able to move individual parts like that was really helpful. It helped me to become a better thief. Plus it was a lot of fun." Shego grinned at her wife.

"You were great at it. And hot." Kim blushed some at this and looked away.

Shego smiled again and came over and hugged her towel clad wife. "Well, if you liked it I may have to do it for you again. For special occasions only, you understand."

Kim's eyes grew wide in surprise and happiness. "Really?"

"Really really."

Breakfast was a quiet affair, as the events of yesterday had pushed their timetable up by quite a bit and they really didn't want to leave. If only they could be sure that they could remain unmolested if they stayed here. With no assurances they couldn't risk the lives of people coming to have an innocent trip with their family for the holiday. Once they finished eating breakfast downstairs in the hotel's restaurant they loaded up the car and took off back to Nana's place. The drive did not go smoothly however.

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