2) Tangled Up in Green by Poetheather1

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Chapter 2: The Fallout
Tangled Up In Green

Heather O'Malley

Kim Possible is owned by the Disney Corporation and have no connection to this what so ever. This is used without their permission and includes a plea not to be sued as I have no money.

The Fallout

Shego woke up and was glad that there was an automatic coffee maker in her rooms. She really didn't want to face the days ahead without coffee to help. She nursed her first cup as she got her things out for the day. A clean uniform and underclothes were laid neatly on the bed before she took off her pajamas and padded into the en suite bathroom to take care of her morning hygiene. The shower was nice and she took the time to finish getting ready for the day before clothes. Once she had gotten dressed Shego refilled her mug and headed out to the rest of the lair, putting on her villain face for Dr. D.

Drakken still looked overly enthused over last night's stellar failure, all but dancing about. Shego looked at this display with some disgust. Sure she had pricked Princess with the damn thing like she had been asked, but was that really something to gloat over? Drakken stopped shaking his booty long enough to notice the green and black clad woman enter, his smile broad and a bit creepy. "Ah Shego, congratulations on a job well done."

"It wasn't a big deal Doc. So what did that little thing do? Poison?"

Drakken giggled at that and Shego rolled her eyes. "No my dear Shego, something better than poison."

"Some sort of virus turning her into a cuddlebuddy?"

"Nope. You'd never guess what I managed to do."

Shego glared. It was too early in the morning for this crap. Drakken was barely bearable like this when she was fully rested. "Fine. What did it do?"

"Let's just say that when you knocked Miss Possible away you knocked her up." Drakken giggled at his clever use of words. The poetry of it just tickled him.

Shego blinked a few times. It was still too early for this stupidity and she hadn't made it through her second cup of coffee yet. "Knocked her up? You mean I got Kimmie pregnant?"

"Yes. Isn't it wonderful?" Drakken was gloating.

Shego took a deep breath and let it out slowly, just like she had learned in meditation and anger management classes. This was not a good situation and she wanted to know what was going on more than punching Drakken at the moment, but it was close. "Alright, I'll bite. Who's the father?"

Drakken giggled madly, "That's the best part...there isn't one."

"Drakken..." The growl was warning enough to let Drakken know that he needed to focus and clarify things. Things were always a bit fragile when Shego was in this sort of mood, which did seem to be all of the time.

"Well, my thinking went like this. Kim Possible is a big fan to truth, justice, life and all that. Well...if she were pregnant she would either need to have the baby, which would take her out of the way for a while or abort the child. If she aborted the child, the anguish at ending a life would cause her remorseless guilt which would take her out of the way. But I wanted to make it really special...something so Diabolical that I am sure to be written up in Villain's Weekly for this. I've chosen my picture already."

"Get to the point already." The beginnings of a migraine could be felt coming on and Shego really didn't need this crap.

"Well, who better to impregnate her than to have her nemesis do it."

Things clicked into place so quickly that it caused Shego to wince. Surely Drakken wouldn't do something that stupid? "Are you saying that I'm the father?"

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