6) Tangled Up in Green by Poetheather1

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Chapter 6: Good Morning Starshine
Tangled Up In Green

Heather O'Malley

Kim Possible is owned by the Disney Corporation and they have no connection to this what so ever. These characters are used without their permission and include a plea not to be sued as I have no money.

Good Morning Starshine

Kim slowly drifted awake, feeling warm and protected, which made her sigh happily. She blinked in surprise as she felt another body nestled up against her and looked in surprise at the green arm that had snaked over her body. It was cupping one of her breasts and Kim was taken aback by how normal ad right it felt. It was comfortable and after how sick and miserable she had been last night she wasn't going to fight that too much. She closed her eyes and lay back again, nestled against the woman who was spooning her. This was where she wanted to be right now and all was right with the world.

When she had woken up a little bit more after a few minutes of smiling blissfully, just enough to register that it was Shego in her bed with her, Kim wigged out a little more. She was getting groped by Shego, her wife, her enemy, Shego. What the hell was she going to do? Her muscles tensed, trying to figure out what they were going to do in this sitch. A voice purred in her ear and Kim almost shuddered at the warm breath against her skin. "Morning Princess. Sleep well?"

"Shego...why are you in my bed?" Kim asked nervously, trembling slightly, trying to decide between fleeing and staying comfortable. Her body knew what it wanted and her mind was opposing that plan, which kept her tensed and poised to move.

"Your mom. When I asked where I was going to sleep she said that we were married and should figure that out on our own. The bed looked more comfortable than the couch or the floor. Sorry, Kimmie. Do...do you want me to go?" Shego didn't sound as sure as she usually did at the end.

"Yes...no...I don't know." Kim frowned in concentration. Ever since Shego had hit her with that whatever it was, her life had fallen apart. But this was both good and bad. Shego was warm, which was nice but it was Shego, in bed with her. But then again, Shego was her wife. But then again, Kim wasn't a lesbian...was she? If this felt good then maybe she was but it made her nervous so maybe she wasn't. Thankfully both her bladder and her stomach saved her from any other worry, urging her to get to the bathroom ASAP.

Kim scampered out of the bed and Shego enjoyed the view, as the girl was well muscled but still had some padding to soften things. It had been a truly restful night of sleep for her as well and she couldn't really remember the last time she had slept so solidly. When she heard Kim begin vomiting however, Shego bounded from the warm bed and hustled to the bathroom quickly to hold the girl's hair and get a cold wash cloth to put on the back of her neck. Shego sat there patiently while Kim moaned in unhappiness, rubbing the girl's back. Maybe something to lighten the mood? "So...this happens everyday?"

Kim just nodded, a little bit of bile coming up. Finally the churning stopped and Kim slumped back, sure that Shego would get her like she had last night. The green woman's body was warm and Kim just sighed, cuddling against her. She felt horrible but at least she was being cared for. "I don't wanna go to school."

"Kimmie, it's only a few hours. You can do that standing on your head. Tell you what, you go to school and I will try to find a way that we can spar safely. Well? Do we have a deal?" Shego knew Kim should go to school, despite her wanting to keep Kimmie home and safe.

What Shego was offering sounded so good and so fun that Kim readily agreed. After she shooed her new wife out of the bathroom, she showered, which made her feel better. Today didn't seem so bad at that point. Shego was thankfully out of her bedroom as well, so Kim was able to get dressed without worrying about being leered at. Well, maybe Shego wouldn't leer exactly, but she would certainly make comments. Kim then realized that she had been missing the taunts. After years of banter with Shego, going several weeks without any made her feel a bit off. Just being called Kimmie, or Princess or Pumpkin or something else made her feel...maybe special wasn't the word exactly but it was close. And the biting jibes had at least let her know that Shego had taken her seriously. There were enough people who only saw her age and discounted anything that she said or did.

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