In the Middle by StarvingLunatic 9

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9: Yellow

"I can believe I let you talk me into this," Shego muttered, speaking to her mother. Isabel stood next to her. They were in the airport rather early in the morning, so early Kim and Bonnie were sleeping in the seats right next to them.

"You deserve it and you should treat your girls out considering all of the shit you've been through. Just enjoy yourself and make sure they do the same," Isabel replied, nodding in the direction of the sleeping pair.

"I'll try," Shego grumbled as if she did not want to do anything with her loves, which was far from the truth. She then looked around curiously. "Why didn't Daddy come with you? He's still around, right?" she asked. It was possible her father wandered off as he had a tendency to do when not properly chained to her mother. It was a trait her youngest brothers got from him. Hell, sometimes, she thought it was trait she got from him.

"Have you ever tried waking that man up at five in the morning? I could bury him right now and it would be all right because he's legally dead," Isabel remarked. No amount of threats could Kane out of bed that morning.

Shego frowned a little. "I thought he'd at least see us off."

Isabel waved it off. "Like Kim and Bonnie are seeing you off?"

Holding in a laugh, Shego glanced at her girlfriends. "He's going to help you with the school, right?" she asked to be sure.

"Yes, he's going to help. Why do you act like he's the competent one between us?" Isabel countered, feigning as if she was insulted that her daughter did not have more faith in her.

"Because if it wasn't for him I know I wouldn't be alive," Shego commented, serious and joking at the same time.

Once again, Isabel waved off the words. "Details, details. I've got him and the twins are coming in to help too. So, your school is in capable hands," she said and then she noticed how skeptical her child looked. "Okay, when I say 'capable' I mean I'll keep them focused on the main task as much as possible," she mended her statement.

"That's what I thought you meant. You'll take care of that other problem we discussed?" Shego inquired, speaking in code just in case Kim was not as asleep as she seemed to be. She actually did not mind if Bonnie knew the plan because she bet Bonnie would have been all for it, but the resident goodie-goodie might have had some concerns about ruining a woman's life no matter how much the bitch deserved what was coming to her.

"The first problem or the second problem?" Isabel countered. She had a couple of things she was expected to do while Shego was gone. The second one was more a surprise than anything else they had set up. The second one was almost like a present for Bonnie.

"The first one."

"Oh, yeah, that's going to be handled most definitely. Did you take care of your end for that to get started?"

Shego nodded and then she went into a black duffle bag that was at her feet. She pulled out a manila envelope and passed it to Isabel. The elder woman flipped it open just to glance inside of it.

"Okay, so this will definitely be handled ASAP," Isabel commented with a nod. That bitch was going down.

"Now that you bring it up, how's the second thing going?" Shego asked curiously. She wanted that one done just as much as the first considering how depressed Bonnie had been lately. She really thought out of everything, even though she was infamous and Kim was famous, Bonnie was hurt the most by the slander against them.

"It's going to go the way we want it to in the end, so it doesn't even matter," Isabel pointed out and her daughter could not help laughing to that one because her mother made a point.

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