Happy Anniversary by Poetheather1

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Happy Anniversary

Heather O'Malley

Kim Possible is owned by the Disney Corporation and they have no connection to this what so ever. These characters are used without their permission and include a plea not to be sued, as I have no money.

A/N: It has been one year since I started posting Tangled Up In Green. A lot has happened since then and I have written a lot of fic. Thank you all for reading and I hope you enjoy this anniversary present to all of you.

Kim had a wicked smile on her face, as she made sure that everything was taken care of and ready to go. This was going to be great and she was looking forward to it, bouncing on the inside. Shego was still at work and she had finished up her mission very quickly, as it had simply been a pretense that Wade had set up for her in order for her to have the time to set up everything for tonight. In addition, to make things even better, Grace was staying with a few friend from her fourth grade class and all was good there as the Muffin would be happy hanging out with her friends. Abby was off on a date as well. She and Shego were going to be all alone in their lovely house and that made her very, very happy.

Kim gave everything in the house a final once over and then took a quick shower, making sure that she was nicely shaved everywhere. Tonight needed to be perfect because it wasn't everyday that you got to celebrate your tenth anniversary with your spouse. Kim grinned and shook her head in amusement. This whole sitch reminded her that she needed to send off the thank you card to Dr. Drakken that she had bought. To think his attempt at defeating her brought her the loves of her life. Without that damn joybuzzer she would never have known this happiness. Yeah, that warranted a thank you card at least. Maybe she should send him a fruit basket as well, with a jar of his favorite pickles? That was for later, now she had other priorities.

She wrapped a towel around herself and walked into the bedroom to look at the scene. The candles were in place and the rose petals were scattered over the bed. The fragrance they gave off was wonderful. As she pulled on the lingerie that she had chosen for this she looked over their family photos, their summer long trip after she had graduated, various other vacations, Christmas and birthday photos, a chronicle of the years they had spent together. At first, when she had found out, she had not been keen on the idea of carrying Shego's kid, but her parents forcing them to get married and then that first kiss had made the whole situation so much more bearable even desired. It had been a wild ride but they had fallen in love after some time together and against amazing odds, stayed together.

Tonight was going to be fun and Kim was really looking forward to her wife's reaction to what she had planned. She was sure it was going to be priceless. Once she was dressed, she headed downstairs and waited in the kitchen. Her Kimmunicator beeped once and Kim grinned. Wade had just let her know that Shego was almost home. The Game was afoot.

Shego opened the door and walked into the Palace. It had been a hell of a day and she just wanted to curl up on the couch and hide. She hadn't wanted to use one of her precious days off, as they would be much more useful later in the school year when she wanted to kill various kids instead of for this. Being able to use them to take time off to consult on something or other for GJ, at the cost of one month of her teaching salary, was a great idea. It was good money and let them have a great life. When added to her already sizable fortune, they clearly lived comfortably.

Teaching was something she really enjoyed and she did have fun for the most part. Students feared her, of course, and she was fine with that and even cultivated that air. Dr. Shelly Possible was the head of the English Department and had been making the classes better, choosing better books and making sure that there was a great deal of consistency in the instruction throughout the school. The meeting with the two new English teachers she had had today was useful and hopefully she wouldn't have to mentor them too much. Nevertheless, that had added to what felt like a long day.

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