On Board, Baby 8

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Chapter 8: Back to Basics

Shego woke up only because she felt someone breathing on her neck. She opened her eyes, which promptly widened.

Kim Possible was lying on top of her. Not Kimmie the toddler, but THE Kim Possible.

Shego then discovered a very important fact: never put toddler clothes on a person you expect to turn back into teen. It only left them looking silly and half-naked. She didn't mind the half-naked part, and the silly portion was amusing, but she didn't want Kim to wake up like this. Well, she did, just without the embarrassment.

"Kimmie," Shego said softly in Kim's ear. "Wake up."

"Mmm." Kim shifted slightly, only to press her face into Shego's neck.

Shego indulged in that particular guilty pleasure for a few moments. "Kimmie," she said again. "Wake up."

"Mmm!" Now Kim's red hair draped itself over Shego's neck, tickling her to no end.

Shego decided to try a different tactic. "Ron's wearing your bra."

"Mmm-WHAT!" Kim's head snapped up, just in time for Shego to slap a hand over her mouth.

"Welcome back, Kimmie. You wanna put something on now."

Kim blinked, and a flush quickly worked its way over her face.

"Don't be embarrassed. Just put something on, before someone sees-"

Monique ran into the room. "KIM! You...probably don't wanna be wearing that diaper anymore... I'll just, um...grab some stuff from your room..."

"Please and thank you," Kim sighed.

"I've scanned you three times already, Kim," Wade reported a few minutes later. "It's like you said: the ray's effects were either temporary, or canceled out by something that happened to you. Eat anything you wouldn't normally?"
"No, just smaller, easily chewable portions," Kim replied. "So is it safe to assume I won't be two again tomorrow?"

"If you were going to change back and forth, I think it would've happened sooner than it did. You should be back to normal."

Kim shook her head. "I don't think I'll ever be normal again, Wade. Ron's seen me spit up, Monique has bathed me, I woke up on top of Shego this morning, and I almost got turned into a baby monkey."

"You do remember the time you actually WERE a monkey?"

"Yeah, but I didn't think I'd have to worry about it anymore."

"I hear you. But you can get past this, Kim. It'll be weird for a while, but you've faced off against embarrassment before and won."

"Wade, I wet myself. Sometimes on command. Which reminds me, Ron is NEVER allowed to talk to toddlers again."

"Way more than I wanted to know. But it's good to have you back, Kim."

Kim smiled. "Good to be back, Wade."

"On the plus side, this adventure has given me an idea for the website. We need to show people that you have a softer side."

"Wade, no naked baby pictures," Kim growled.

"I was thinking Pre-K, actually. More presentable, and people love pigtails. There's a shot of you and Ron on a slide that really speaks to me."

"And what does it say?"

"'So it IS possible to go down a slide upside down and backwards.' Also explains why his hair is stuck like that."

"Ready..." Ron said, licking his lips.
"Set..." Monique added, flexing her fingers.

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